Coil Building Wire Choices

I put on some pre wrapped coils by our @BoyHowdy on my SOD 5k clone dripper and oh man flavor junky to the upteen level !!! I see why you guys are nuts over your coils !


You’ve been bitten by the coil bug now Amy :yum:


Yessss but still need to learn what is what. It was with NiChrome 80 28 ga I need more knowledge on what gets hot what’s the cleanest, what has to be TC mode( I have a tiny bit of knowledge on that one Nickle, Titanium )

what wires is the most dependable lasts the longest , durable ?

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For ease of use @Amy2 i would suggest stainless steel. Any of the grades should be good. I’ve been using 304 ss alot lately, but most devices are already set up for 316 ss, so i would try that in your case.
316 or 316L can be used in both power mode and tc, so your good there. As for longevity, ive got coils 3mts old and there as good as the day i put them in there. To clean them you just pulse until there hot and brush/wash any gunk off.
I’ve got some nirc 80/20 fused claptons in my drippers, i love the stuff. Only good for power mode and it has a lower resistance than kanthal, but the ramp up time is quicker, so i find it helps in my mech mods. But great stuff :ok_hand:
I love titanium, i find, out of all the other wires ive tried, it’s the best for flavour. But, only in tc and i also find i have to build low before it comes into its own. I think your more comfortable at higher ohm’s, so, my recommendation is stainless. Hop this helps Amy. :yum:
Edit:- I don’t use ni200. Don’t like it.


Yes it does help thank you pattie. So would you be comfortable saying Kanthal A1 28 ga could be used in my velocity v2 ? trying to just get my hand coordination down with wrapping my coils are still very much spaced trying to bunch them better with some tension.

Yes that should be fine Amy and that should keep the ohm’s higher for you, but just practice and you’ll get it.
I’ve taken perfectly good coils out of an atty just to practice. Hehe.

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My cherry has been popped first successful coil I built ( took 4 times over 3 days lol )

Kanthal A1 28 gau about 81/2 wraps was headed for 1.4 ohm
Tobeco velocity v2


Absolutely awesome Amy. Well done. Looks spot on to me. :ok_hand:


I just like Pattie like the SS wire, But in order to get your higher ohm’s you’ll need more wraps than with Kanthal.


Great job and not an easy coil to mount. I build my velocity the same way.


Thanks Santa Having a helluva time with this aromamizer BoyHowdy had a nice low build in there but it was too low 0.36 for me. So now I am here with the second build in a row decided to try the same build as earlier up the center in the Aromamizer I see the first one was alright as a single but the cotton did not allow for the air holes to vent properly. I may just be tired and prob should revisit it tom. but you know how it is when you have to nail something…you sleep much better. :wink:


That is a difficult build to get working right. What I do with mine is only use the top air holes and fully close the big air slots. I mount my coil even with the top of the post and just use longer wicks works great and no need to line up the air slots


Thanks ! I got it to work. I did straight up the center Kanthal A1 28/ 7 ID 3 mm target was 1.5 I got 1.4 ohm I’m happy it’s ok for my 3rd build ( that worked ) in one day I can rest assured now :smile:


You will be a pro at it in no time. Building your own coils opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Great job good night rest well.


Thank you and the rest of the bunch for giving me the courage and not getting sick of me :wink: ( yet )

good night


I run mine dual with 28awg kanthal at 9 wraps and usually hit .85-.95.

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Trying for a above ohm vape MTL so want my target to really be above 1.5 but it’s pretty hard limits space and cotton doing it, but I made it work.


10 wraps of 30g ss will get you to 1.4 ohm’s if you have any ss that gauge Amy.
That’s on a 2.5 mm ID.


I don’t think BoyHowdy gave me that kind but he gave plenty so I can test other stuff out. I can get some,just need to find out where ppl get their wire and stuff ?


I’m in the UK so not much use to you there I’m afraid. Someone will jump in I’m sure. @wvsanta is normally good with that. :wink:

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