Congratulations to ELR's TOP Mixers!

I’d say something… but that darn 1st Amendment is holding me in check… lol


totally unbound of such things :wink::v: lol

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This will be my last comment.

I’m not sure how long you have been mixing or participating in DIY/forums or how much reading you have done. Again, I would love to see you and the “others who are not mentioned” to participate here…

I won’t go into detail since it’s not my story, but I encourage you to do some reading (1000 posts or so) from the purevapes thread on ECF and the transition over to VU, and so on…then later the creation and explosion of information that daath/Lars and others created here. There were a lot of hurt feelings and so on.

Feelings are so hard. Words are hard. Tie that in with the passion for mixing, getting people of the cigs…well yeah, words are hard. But it’s super easy…continue to demonstrate your passion for the DIY community and people will welcome you and the “others” with welcome arms.


Hi y’all ! I know we gather round our own and defenses rise quickly because we are so loyal to one another as well as to Lars. I want to personally invite all of my friends to check out EJM it is up and coming and while it’s early in the begining stages it will grow. A new day has dawned in vaping and while some ppl are not as vested in DIY as others this is a site for those wishing to advance their craft. Memberships are 5$ I personally want to work on advancing my skills further I enjoy DIY and it will continue to be a passion of mine as I grow I am excited to be apart of EJM ( not a partner just helping w/ ideas and possibly going to write an article or two down the road )

It’s not what you tell someone but how you tell them …right ?
I realize this was not presented in the best fashion and I have been meaning to share with you guys how excited I am to be apart of this new team but I have been working the past week. So here I am telling my family I am joyful for this new opportunity ! I don’t look to it as a promtional opportunity as one may think, I look at it as an opportunity to reach more ppl and to help more ppl learn DIY give them recipes here & on EJM so they will not go back to smoking !

I will always be apart of ELR this is my home and I am so grateful to @daath for creating this space and the calculator.


What skills are they going to be teaching and who will the instructors be? To me it just sounds more like five dollars a month and we will give you a recipe from our experienced mixers.

Nothing wrong with that but it’s not something that I would invest in personally.

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It’s more of a dedication of myself no one is teaching me anything. I am just merely inviting and I understand it isn’t for everyone.


I would like to learn more about the chemistry side of things.Things like the best uses of Propanediol and more of the science behind mixing and flavor binding at the molecular level.
The flavor bible , test mixes and the advice I get from ELR can pretty much cover the rest for me.I do think memberships such as this is going to rise due to the FDA rulings , I just am not ready to accept defeat as of now.


I know it, and I paid one shot for the whole year since I don’t like the monthy bills. There will be other crucial deeper diy lessons given on the membership side. Each week a new topic will be written. As of now I believe there will be a few authors coming aboard and will be writing more in depth flavor reviews as in behind the science type of stuff so it is exciting to learn deeper more advanced DIY ! See @BoyHowdy give it a good thought and maybe you’ll just check in with me on occasion I’ll give ya some feedback from the member side of things…I understand that the membership fee is a bummer since we’re used to eating for free right ?

Oh and it’s not necessarily a lesson as it is more informational but I’ll have to see how each presentation is given as different ppl may use videos versus just written text.


Not really , it’s more of a bummer because I don’t think we should be paid to help people but I do understand that this is a business and a business can only run if there is a profit.I am all about free enterprise and wish their business much success.
I know you have given advice , flavorings , and more importantly an ear to listen to me and countless others.I know you have a good heart and that is all that matters to me.:innocent:
I do hope my words are truly reflecting my honest feelings and that is simply this, I thank you for everything you have taught myself and countless others and I do hope this new venture is everything you hope for.Thank you for taking the time to explain and I most certainly will be asking more questions along the way.:grinning:


We’re good ! I appreciate the nice words. I have no further intentions other than to have a recipebook that part sounds fun, essentially I have an ELR recipebook as well all 411 recipes lol. At this time I just view as having fun.


I bet you they feel bad just because you feel bad. 99.9% of the people here are awesome folks. Everyone does care about each other here. In fact, even when they are yelling at you… they are polite.


Um… I think the proper term here is “fork”. I won’t pay for what I can get for free. Good luck with your endeavor.


Congrats to all.
Lots of great recipes here!


You guys DO realize this guy just started mixing, right? He’s only here to cash in. He’s been called out on many groups, banned from many groups (FB that is) and here is, being called out again for being the fraud that he is. He hasn’t been mixing long enough for a custard to fully steep!

he is a complete fraud and only here to cash in on the work we’ve all put in over the last few years. He promotes his own “recipes”, spams all of the DIY groups, misrepresents himself at each level, and was already caught trying to sell recipes from HIC, and others.

This cat needs to go, sooner the better please!

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I don’t think he has been very active since the grand reception he had a week ago.Perhaps we got lucky and he banned himself!:grinning:
I don’t really care to purchase what he appears to be selling but…on his behalf I haven’t noticed any spamming on here. :neutral_face:
I would love to hear about any more dirt you have though ,not that it will help get him banned , I just roll like that.:laughing:


Likewise :smiling_imp:


Accusations deserve explanations…


Sorry if i missed what im asking because my daughter is crawling all over me lol, obviously you are a part of this website and for me the 5 dollars doesnt bug me considering the amount of money i just spent today lol , first question as a part of this are you still available for questions about flavors here or are you kind of working through that site and second these recipes that are for memebers only are they new recipes or new and old ones taken form here , also why there aand not here it seems ckemist has went around to the top diy sites and basically used what they have taken awhile to build and now is potentially trying to make money off of it , im not judging just trying to understand

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I’m no professional troll hunter but…
There’s something in his name…