Cotton Bacon Prime

Fasttech should rename to slowtech, cause out of all chinese sites I use for anything vape related they are by far the most sirupy.

On topic but off. Iā€™ve tried cotton bacon v2 in three rda builds. So far not impressedā€¦sometimes seems to be a bit hollow. Iā€™ll stick with Pima cotton from eciggity.

is this cotton pad form ??

Here it is


Link is above. The fibers are very one way. There is some break in 1-2 rda vape sessions. After that, perfect all the way until the coil is gunked.

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Bumping this older thread since it fits my comment best:

Iā€™ve been trying out CB Prime for about a month and was stumped on a clogging issue. Used Cb V2 for 2 years without this issue.

Using the Aromamizer V2 Supreme with the postless deck. I would wick like I was used to, fairly snug cotton, tight but not too tight, so not too loose - comb out the ends and trim a bit, not over-stuffing the juice ports.

I was getting dry hits after about 1 or 2 hours. Like the cotton was clenching up, binding up and choking the juice flow. I would lift the tails a bit, or re-comb, trim and reload them into the port wells.

This was happening a LOT! So annoying.

So this morning, I wicked WITHOUT COMBING. Just pull the cotton through and trim. I trim the sides and an angle up to the top, and place the tails into the ports.

Problem solved! Wicks acting like A-students, raising their hands and participating in class like champs!

Has anyone noticed this issue? I think the Prime is so well-combed right outta the bag that no fulffing is necessary, just trim to thin to the right size for your RTA.


While I may have OCD in some cases, wicking is not one of them. Iā€™ve never been one to fluff wicking material out like I see a lot of video people do, whether it was when I was using Ken do pads or Prime or v2 CB.


I think i watched too many of the fluffersā€™ videos! Iā€™ve started seeing fewer people fuss about with the tweezers recently. I think thatā€™s why i tried just trimming. The port wells seem too small for 3mm of cotton without clogging up, but i suppose i should try that, too!


Thereā€™s that Swedish guy that speaks in monotone and does quasi-scientific videos about vaping. The ones about wicking are very interesting and he says just put the damn cotton in and leave it be. Itā€™s what I do and it works for me.


I donā€™t fluff RDAā€™s at all and RTAā€™s just enough to fit the channel. Never have raked one.


That works great for RDAs, do you do that with an RTA, too?


If your talking about Oen Morten (from finland I think) lotā€™s of experienced people seem to disagree with him and his airflow simulations.
I think he even designed a tank (zathog RDA) and it wasnā€™t well received in general.
I donā€™t think his wicking experiments were all that accurate though I do like the guy and appreciate his videos.




I havenā€™t used an RTA in a long time. That being said, Iā€™ve got a Profile Unity on the way. Iā€™m going to wick it the same way I do the RDA, with rayon and just cutting it, no thinning.


Yep, thatā€™s him. I gave him an A for effort, but thatā€™s about it. I liked the videos he did showing the cotton pulling up juice, that was interesting and relevant to me. I never could get all the way through any of his videos though.


I use bacon prime sometimes and have no issues.
I never comb just a floof and tuck, if there is a bit much i just cut or tuck out of the way depending on atty.
For wicking i normally watch vaping with vick if struggling.


I also just pull it through and trim it no mess no fuss. Its perfect.


Fluffing can help a bit if youā€™re at that end where you squeezed the cotton to fit through the coil so it covers the juice hole on an RTA.
Thatā€™s really about all the advantage you get out of it in my experience.