Cotton candy (ethyl matol 10%)?

Hello all good to be here
I saw a recipe that said…
Cotton candy (ethyl maltol 10%)
What does that mean
Like i can choose between either or?
Or is it a specific flavor
Just making sure
Appreciate the help thanks


Cotton Candy TFA is just a 10% solution of EM

Feel free to use Cotton Candy TFA, any other 10% EM solution or adapt if you have stronger/weaker EM solutions available.


Gotcha thanks
So tfa em is what 100% em?

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I am not aware of TPA selling pure EM, it would be impractical and probably a solid rather than a liquid.
I suspect they are one and the same thing. People are a bit lazy and use shortcuts.


This is made from ethyl maltol, diluted to 10% in PG.

It is not a strong flavor, since ethyl maltol won’t dissolve in PG at higher concentrations.


i see thanks

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TFA dose sell EM in a liquid form I have some

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If it is 10% dilution, it would be the same as Cotton Candy, which is a 10% dilution of EM in PG ( by weight or by volume, I would have to check the MSDS)

If you look at my next reply TFA/TPA says that 10% is close to the max that can be dissolved in PG.

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So this is 10% ethyl maltol or in other words cotton candy?

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Probably, you can check with BCV who seem to have re-bottled this. It most likely is.


Gotcha thanks so much… Wow this forum is great