DIY no flavor

Not the case at all. I’m finding the very same problem as @BeastModeJuice and I’ve narrowed it down to nic suspended in pg and added pg to mixes. Everything was turning out bland and sometimes peppery, the nic I use is top quality. So adding pg is definitely not always the answer, as I found out after much wasted juice.

I have nic in PG with no problem used. No pepper. But I have done a HUGE nicotine chase. I still use extra pg.

Otherwise a REALLY long steep is needed.

Some people are intolerant to pg and that’s how it tastes to us. The same effect happens with TPA vanilla bean ice cream. So the extra pg works for you but not everyone. I know that for a fact because I’ve done numerous trials to find the cause of this issue.

yeah i get straight pepper from tfa vbic, tfa custard, cap cake batter etc.

wild you would get it from PG though.