Don't know how all you do it?

Not to mention a ton of great BBC shows are filmed there. Er, I guess I just mentioned it.

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The Celts were the original occupants of Europe and have been driven into Wales by the Anglo-Saxons who now still hate them.

[quote=“Lostmarbles, post:81, topic:33192”]
Even Tom Jones?
[/quote]Yes, the underpants thrower too. :grinning:

[quote=“lennon38, post:82, topic:33192, full:true”]
HEY i live in Wales its a great place
[/quote]I’m sorry about that, not that you live in Wales but that the Welsh are hated. Don’t shoot the messenger, it’s just something I’ve observed about the English’s attitude towards the Welsh.

[quote=“Amy2, post:83, topic:33192”]
is absolutely stunning

As you can see this is not a vape video, the guy is smoking! That is so weird to watch :open_mouth:


Hmm interesting I learn something new each day ! And yes that dude smoking looks nasty and his gross throat clearing/ cough is also nasty. Glad I don’t smoke anymore ! I bet he’s smelly / ashtray :hotsprings:


Then one day you do this and come up with a juice that just rocks! It’s so good you know you could retire from selling it. And you have absolutely no idea what all is in it. That has to be the suckiest thing in the world.


My very first DIY project was trying to clone Slam berry. I think I tried it 30 different ways and they were good but not right, so I just kept dumping them together in a 250ml bottle.
Long story short and about 6 months later, I thought I would vape the 250ml just for kicks and I swear to god it tasted exactly like Slam Berry…
But I had no idea what all it was :slight_smile:


I’d call that a unicorn. :slight_smile:


Maybe you hit the nail on the head 30 times. You just had to let it steep 6 months.

If (probably when) I start a suicide bottle I think I will try to keep track of what is in it.

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I am so glad that someone I work with brought me a box of 120ml bottles today. Don’t think I can do a suicide juice.

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I’m so happy to have found this because over the last few weeks, I’ve been trying to recreate the recipe for Irish cream in an e-liquid. The recipe for the real Irish cream seemed to be one that could, fairly easily be converted into an e-liquid recipe. I found this recipe for Irish cream: 1 Cup heavy cream, 14 oz (1 can) sweetened condensed milk, 1⅔ Cup Irish whiskey, 1 teaspoon instant coffee granules, 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon almond extract. Next, I needed to evaluate what I’d need to recreate this taste in an e-liquid. I thought I had all of the flavorings I would need for this, my first attempt was this recipe, which, if anyone else who likes Irish cream and thinks of a better way of making it taste closer to the real thing, please don’t hesitate to contribute your ideas, especially about which cream flavors to try I this recipe: Kentucky Bourbon (TPA) 1.50%
Sweet Cream (CAP) 4.00%
Sweetener (TPA) 2.00%
Coffee Creme (NN) 1.25%
Double Chocolate (TPA) 0.75%
Vanilla Swirl (TPA) 3.00%
Almond (FA) 0.75%
I mixed these flavors and added VG for a Max VG e-liquid recipe. I think it’s very good, but it’s missing something, I think the Double Chocolate could be reduced to 0.50%, as far as the flavor used for the heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk, I thought the combination of the Sweet Cream and Vanilla Swirl worked, but their are so many possible variations, I thought of using Ethyl Vanillin and Capella’s Vanilla Custard V1 at 1.5% and 2.0% respectively. I’m very motivated to get this right. Any help with this would be appreciated. Thank you!

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TELYgamer…what are you’re favorite ideas that you need some help with, perhaps I can assist.

I have been pretty successful with some off the wall combinations.

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Probably the best recipe for Irish Cream I’ve ever made. Pretty good for just off the top of your head! Thanks again for everything Mr. @daath


I assume you were talking to me. You talkin’ to ME? You must be talkin’ to me… (Taxi Driver reference, it’s an old one) anyway I am basically looking for the perfect Irish Cream recipe. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I found this recipe for Irish cream:
1 Cup heavy cream
14 oz (1 can) sweetened condensed milk
1⅔ Cup Irish whiskey
1 teaspoon instant coffee granules
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract.
That’s it, and I think it’s perfect for conversion to an amazing e-liquid. daath posted this one off the top of his head:
2% Cream Fresh (FA)
2% Sweet Cream (TPA)
1% Whisky (FA)
0.2% Dark Bean (Coffee Espresso) (FA)
0.5% Chocolate (FA)
0.2% Cocoa (FA)
0.3% Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA)
0.3% Almond (FA)
It’s very good, no doubt about it, but I prefer more flavor concentrates in my recipes, I suppose I could just up the percentage of each flavor. I do have a condensed milk flavoring and wonder if it, combined with a sweetener would be good. The possibilities are endless.

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I just don’t.

I mix other people’s recipes and I’m just fine with that. And by the time I tried them all I’ll be flat broke and dead.

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Man, I completely forgot about this - Never even tried it! I just inputted it into the calculator and published it - Naturally it is on my todo list now :smiley: hhaha

Thanks for the feedback! :smiley:

I wonder if Milk Condensed (FA) and/or Dulce de Leche (TPA) would go in this?

As for just upping the flavors, you could definitely try that - though I would start low, either experiment yourself by creating a one-shot so you can find your perfect level, or raising it to perhaps 7.5-8% total flavoring?


Thats the taste…instant coffee tastes like Dulce de leche… Good call!!!

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I did this a while back (if I may interject), and it turned out quite nicely! Took a few days (a week?) For the whisky to settle in. But I like it.


Ruthless Mandingo clone. It’s a banana nut bread. I’m doing this for a friend who likes “savory flavors”. I was a bit confused by what he meant by that, he recently contacted me by email and requested that I try to clone this one. Any help with this endeavor will be much appreciated.

The easiest way I can think of to describe this is:
Rich, thick, having a “full mouthfeel”.

If you were talking about food for instance, and the word savory came up, I would automatically think about things like:
Hollandaise sauce
“Country gravy” (white gravy, that’s been thickened with bacon or sausage greases)

So, in essence, flavors that are “easily noticed” and weigh heavy on the palate. YMMV

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(of food) belonging to the category that is salty or spicy rather than sweet.
synonyms: salty, spicy, piquant, tangy
"sweet or savory dishes"

That’s what I always thought, anyway. :sunglasses:


this helped me