Father's Day Squonk Build

I’m self-employed which means I work 7 days most weeks but today my wife and 2 of my 3 kids went in for me. This gave me the time to spend in my shed (which I turned into a work shop my last day off) and build my first walnut squonk box mod. It looks a lot like the m-vapes single 18650 mechanical squonker. I think it came out alright for a afternoons work, it still needs magnets and some touch up. I have to say one of my best fathers day I’ve had in a real long time.


Super cool. What glue did you use? Titebond II? Look in the Grainger Catalog for magnets. Betting you have a Grainger locally where you can pick up no shipping

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Very nice! A buddy of mine has been wanting to find a dual battery mod without it being the same shape/bulkiness size of the kanger. Just an idea for u if u ever have time again. That’s really beautiful though!

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Way Cool good job :thumbsup:


Well done indeed! :+1:


I used titebond 111, going to try box joints on my next one. Hopefully be able too go thinner and round out the corners more. I ordered some different magnets from home depot.


I have a finish sx550 chip I’m wanting to make into a squonker but my next build I’ve seen these wood dual 18650 full mechanical that can go from series to parallel


What 510 did you use ? and how did you make the positive and negative connections ?
I would also like to build one :thumbsup:

I typically use varitube 510s, but on this used a fatdadys v4 ultimate 22 catch cup 510. For my contacts at home depot in hardware they sell 4×4 inch sheets of 2 or 3 mm copper.

My fire button I made out of walnut to match the mod. Hope this helps.


Way cool Thanks.
Check out the mini G box from

Pics from Berkshire Facebook

Nice job with the copper :thumbsup:
And with the box build