I don’t have RF’s pistachio only FLV’s new one & TFA. FLV’s is seriously good !
This is a flavorah thread so I’ll apologize. I find it to not have the dryness of say, Almond FA, as @JoJo said it’s pretty sweet and to me tastes just like eating an unsalted pistachio. Like all RF in VG it’s comparitively weak and needs to be used 8-12% and I vape 40%PG. If you like pistachio, it’s a must have. I’m sorry I don’t make real notes on my flavors because I tend to chain vape a build and atty for a month straight easy, so I only get one-sided impressions. I’m not as diligent as you guys. I don’t pay much attention to detail, it either suits me or doesnt. Almond FA is far to dry for me for instance.
This is the prime reason I avoid RF. Usage % doesn’t matter to some, but for me it’s a deal breaker. For some reason my palate doesn’t detect high % flavors very well.
it was nice when they just had a handful of flavors, but now i’m going to go broke.
Do either of them have a creamy aspect at all? I’ve been making Pistachio pudding with TFA, and I’m wondering if one of these might work better? Maybe the RF if it’s not as dry as the FLV? What do you think?
They have released raw flavor extracts now. Usage is 1-3% I haven’t tried them yet, but others have been having good success. 30ml is $7.99
@JoJo Is there a way you can move these last few posts over to the Real Flavors thread so we aren’t stealing Flavorah’s thunder please? Or a way I can do it?
Back on topic, Lemongrass is to die for. It’s exactly what I wanted from the flavor. It is shockingly strong SnV, but tames down rapidly. It’s also the best lemon flavor I’ve had, and I’ve had a lot. That said, it is lemongrassy, not straight lemon. Flavorah rules, sooo good.

I have both, and they’re both very good. They have a similar flavor profile, but the Flavorah is a little stronger and seems a little more on the dry side. The RF is a little on the sweeter and smokier side. I think I prefer the Flavorah at this point just because it’s stronger.
Do either of them have a creamy aspect at all? I’ve been making Pistachio pudding with TFA, and I’m wondering if one of these might work better? Maybe the RF if it’s not as dry as the FLV? What do you think?
They both have that classic pistachio creamy/buttery kind of taste to them. If you’re wanting pudding, I think the RF would work better because it’s sweeter. The Flavorah is more like a raw pistachio IMO. I’m not necessarily the best judge of flavor, I’ve found, so take this FWIW. I think the Pralines tastes like mushrooms. LoL
Thank you for the advice I think that might be the problem with the TFA, not creamy or sweet enough. It’s ok, just not over the top good enough for me. I will try RF next then.
I have heard a couple compliments on the pralines, but the mushroom thing is new to me. That probably means it will taste the same to me. If something has an off flavor, that’s usually all I can taste. Like Joy and CAP Cake Batter. And it’s looking like CAP Glazed Doughnut Still trying with that one, hoping I will find a percentage that works good and doesn’t tip it to play doh.

I have heard a couple compliments on the pralines, but the mushroom thing is new to me.
That is the second time I have heard mushrooms mentioned although the first time it was in a mix but it did have Pralines in it. I didn’t get the mushrooms per say but the mix did change for the worst with time.I rushed in using two flavors in that mix before testing , Pralines and the Macaroon ?
I need to go back and do the usual single flavor tester and see what’s up.I have been playing with NET’s for the past couple of weeks and am still enjoying that for now.I have always had flavor ADHD
Yeah I dunno what it is, but it’s definitely got some sort of odd taste that I can only describe as fungus. LoL I have issues with several flavors that others seem to adore. Biscuit and Cocopilada by Inawera both have what I call the “Inawera Twang”. It’s a strange, almost metallic or lemony taste and only seems to happen with those two. It goes away eventually if I don’t use too much of them. Joy tastes like powdered sugar and also has a weird background note. And yeah, the Cap glazed doughnut tastes like plastic to me.

Yeah I dunno what it is, but it’s definitely got some sort of odd taste that I can only describe as fungus.
Did you ever think the day would come where you’d give up cigarettes in exchange for trying things that tasted like you’re inhaling mushrooms, plastic, puke or any other weirdness? It’s funny when you think about it.
Here’s a flavor maybe some of you are familiar with - and I was told long ago that it’s the paper that is treated with something which acts as a preservative - but who here hasn’t licked the melted chocolate off a Reese’s paper cup? Don’t lie!! That’s a weird taste that I’m sort of picking up in FLV Strawberry Filling. I’m not sure if I just tried using it too strong (2%) or if it needs a long steep, supporting flavors or what. But as a stand alone at 2% I think it’s awful. Yet I can taste the main flavor which is very good, although very artificial.
Now that’s gonna be all I can taste! LOL. It is interesting the notes we pick up or don’t pick up. I’m guessing it’s just the way people taste chemicals differently. Kinda like how some people can taste PTC and some can’t. Some think broccoli is bitter and some love it. Some think cilantro tastes like soap and others think those people are crazy.
It’s likely not going to be until next weekend before I get a chance to mix up the singles for these. Started school and have been working out baking and meal prep for the week on the weekends so it’s been a little hectic. I’m looking forward to it though.

Some think cilantro tastes like soap
True! I love it but not ready to vape pico de gallo.
I’ll be looking forward to your thoughts on the Strawberry Filling.
Lol. Thanks, but the can I’ve already opened is huge enough with “normal” flavors. I damned sure don’t need to open the “food can” too!! Because if I did, I’d have to search for garlic, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits (rolls), grits, ham… OMGosh yeah… Just NO, please God, no. LMAO
This is the first thing that came to mind when you mentioned vaping Pico de Gallo though:
OMG that’s got to be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. At first I thought he had a stoke or Bell’s Palsy at some point. Watching him abuse peppers…well it makes sense he may have had neither
Ok, that may be in poor taste. But it’s a valid point nonetheless.
Well, one thing’s for sure… I wouldn’t trust any flavor recommendations he has, nor percentages for that matter!! Lol
I am 100% taking his advice to “not do this.” I think that advice is spot on.