GeekVape - Looking good to me

I hear that. I’ve yet to find a dual coil device I couldn’t make into a single if I really wanted. It usually comes down to some redneck ingenuity with a cotton ball.

ya ivee tried that shit too but ive decided id a company cant be bothered to throw in some bullshit ruber stopper i cant be bother to buy their shit. this forsure would be lead contender for tank replacement if only it had it.

The authentic Goblin Mini has it, and it is a fantastic little tank. Most everyone who gets one is shocked the first time they use it. I’m thinking that may be only true for the dual coil build though. I tried the single and honestly I’d rather eat dirt.

ya i have a goblin and its good. Good in single to. Just realised like 3/4 of my shit is single claptoned lol

You forgot to add a trailer hitch to the cotton ball. :grinning:

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