Guava,papaya,coconut cream help

Id like to make a guava papaya coconut cream juice and was wondering if anyone has suggestions about percentages of these flavors.
Sweet guava cap 3%?
Papaya fa 3%?
Coconut xtra tpa 2%?

Id like to add a cream, i have all types just not cream fresh. What cream would be good for this? Thanks


Sweet Cream (TPA) you can use, I’m sure there’s more.
What are you wanting to be your main note, Papaya, Guava or DX Coconut ? Mango may be a nice addition too. Just my opinion


Yea sweet cream sounds good. Id really like to push the guava as the main

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This is the recipe I tried previously.
Sweet guava 5%
Papaya 2%
Creamy yogurt 2%
Coconut extra 1.3%
Bavarian cream 2%
Dragon fruit 1.5%
Sweet cream 3%
It came out pretty funky, and I was surprised how the yogurt dominated, could barely taste the fruits


I’d shoot for 5-6% Guava


this recipe has two of the flavors you were wanting to use and some cream these all pair well together , i have a v2 of this where i cut the papaya down a bit and the sweet tangerine , kepp in mind the combination of these flavors are going to have a rather harsh feeling on your throat but they are very good and the papaya will take some time to develope

Note drop the sweet tangerine and add you coconut you could also bring the guava down to 3.5