Heaven Gifts 11th Anniversary Massive Contest: Vaporesso Special--9/22

The year 2018 is our 11th year since when we are found. It is our 3rd time doing this online celebration. Heaven Gifts Anniversary is not only a ritual that celebrates the progress we made, moreover, it is a vaping feast that returns the supports and favor our clients, partners, community members have done for Heaven Gifts.

Unlike previous year celebration, we’re doing a bit different. For the next coming days, we divide the massive contest into a few parts. Each part differs from others. We hope and wish all of you people enjoy this once a year online e-cigarette carnival.

Today’s part is about Vaporesso, we plan to give away some products from Vaporesso below as prizes:

  1. Vaporesso Polar
  2. Vaporesso Orca Solo
  3. Vaporesso Switcher

However, you have to “earn” them with your entries. To enter:

Please find a Vaporesso brand product at heavengifts.com and paste the link with reason why you choose it

When the number of entries reaches 40, we give away 1 x Vaporesso Polar
When the number of entries reaches 80, we give away 1 x Vaporesso Polar and 1 x Vaporesso Orca Solo
When the number of entries reaches 120, we give away 1 x Vaporesso Polar , 1 x Vaporesso Orca Solo and 1 x Vaporesso Switcher

1.We will pick the lucky winners via random.org on September 22, 2018.
2. Each participant can post 5 times at most; number your entry, for instance: #Post 1

------------------Special Thanks to Vaporesso------------------

The Vaporesso brand was created to bring safety, convenience, and accessibility to the e-cigarette industry. They guarantee not only their passion and dedication but also a highly advanced research and development team that consistently surpasses their customer’s expectations; through their continuous customer-centric innovation they have achieved technology breakthroughs in e-cigarettes and own more than 300 key patents in fundamental technology and design models. Their R&D division is comprised of several hundred experienced engineers, with their industry experience averaging six years.

Star products from Vaporesso:

Vaporesso Revenger TC Kit with NRG Tank 220W
Vaporesso Switcher 220W with NRG TC Kit
Vaporesso Luxe 220W Touch Screen TC Kit with SKRR


Entry 1

Beautiful kit… my first mod was a Vaperesso Target 75w kit.
Still runs till this day, I loved that kit. this is a super nice mod and tank.

HAPPY Anniversary HeavenGifts!!

Entry #2

good looking kit aswell, I like the cascade baby that comes with the kit! HA HG

  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-TAROT-PRO-MOD-160W-SS-Yellow.html the first Vaporesso I ever tried. It was good.
  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Nebula-TC-Box-MOD-100W.html
    I really like the look on this one. looks good for a carry around mod.
  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Revenger-TC-Box-MOD-220W.html
    Clean looking mod. I like the look of it, but knowing me, I might bust this in the first day.
  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Luxe-MOD.html
    another great, clean looking mod. I read the reviews of the chipset, none said a negative thing about it.
  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Armour-Pro-MOD.html
    another good looking mod to carry around.
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY @Heaven_Gifts !!! Thank you for the chances!


I like all of Vaporesso’s gear. It’s always real nice looking. I had a revenger that recently broke, but that thing was my favorite mod and I used it every day.

  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Luxe-Kit.html
    Very nice kit :+1:

@Sprkslfly @SunnyT @heatho72

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  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Revenger-Mini-TC-MOD.html
    Love these smaller ones :face_with_monocle:
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Definitely want another one

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@SessionDrummer @Nextron @adary

  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Armour-Pro-MOD.html
    Very good chip on this one
  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Swag-TC-Kit.html
    Love the new colors :heart_eyes:



Perfect single battery mod (goes up to 11, I mean 21700 :smiley:)



I used this mod for a few days, and It surprised me how good TC was



I’m a vaporesso power user/tester, and even if I didn’t get this one for testing, I heard great reviews from other testers, and it just looks gorgeous

  1. https://www.heavengifts.com/product/Vaporesso-Revenger-GO-Kit.html
    With this one I wouldn’t be scared pushing my RTA’s to higher wattages :laughing: