Let's make a Good *Coffee Flavor*

I haven’t tried the SC, but I was not a fan of the VG Coffee from RF. It’s possible it could be worked, but I just don’t have the patience for something like that when I have something that already works. The Tiramisu is a lighter, sweeter coffee flavor where FA Dark Bean is like a strong shot of espresso. They’re both useful, IMO, I think it just depends on what you’re going for and how you like to mix.


I just did some more experimenting with the Dark Bean, and nope… just can’t get around that burning wood taste.

It really, really smells and tastes exactly like an old hobby woodburning kit I had as a kid. Maybe my (and oddly enough, my girlfriend’s) smeller is just wired up with some weird sensitivity to that one molecule or something. I’m really surprised that nobody else has mentioned it in the reviews I’ve read.

On a related note, I’m trying to find another source for VZ’s “Coffee” flavor… it is the best I’ve tried so far, and with a tiny bit of Mocha and sweet cream it’s pretty good as a black coffee. Not exact by any stretch, but a good flavor.


@Beaufort_Batches i have everything needed to make the sb latte except the fa butterscotch. I will buy it next order and i know subbing = not the same. Buuuut… if i was to try it with what i have, would you suggest the flv butterscotch or the fw butterscotch swirl? Or if they wouldnt work then maybe a caramel?
Btw, every once in a while i mix up a batch of your cannoli recipe, imo the best cannoli going. I saw you updated it so ill have to try that version next time.


You can sub FA Butterscotch with FLV Butterscotch. I’m just using it in the sb latte for a bit of extra richness and it helps with sweetness a little. FLV Butterscotch will most likely make the latte sweeter than when using FA’s in there but hey, that’s probably not a problem.

The updated Cannoli is great and I don’t think you will have any gripes if you try it. :facepunch:

  • Cannoli is great with coffee and lattes…

Still waiting to do a MF order, but has anyone tried the MF Coffee? I hear it is good but I wonder if it burns/ tastes burnt like a lot of the coffees out there tend to.

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There are some good mixes,flavors and ideas listed here too Chasing the Coffee Rainbow


I feel compelled to mentioned here, Nude Nicotine’s Coffee Creme flavor concentrate. It’s my preference of the coffee flavorings I’ve used so far. I used it in a recipe for Irish cream and then I tried the same recipe, (both at 0.5%) with the Dark Bean Espresso by FA and I must admit that I do prefer the Nude Nicotine Coffee Creme for a good coffee flavoring. It’s very close to the taste of coffee and cream, I would recommend it for anyone looking for a great coffee flavor concentrate.


Hello all. I found this thread really interesting and wonder if anything new has come up since 2017 in the search for coffee greatness… Would love to hear all about it, being a newb and everything. Thanks in advance!



Oh yes Coffee my go to ADV. My favorite espresso base of VT Arabica Coffee @ 0.75%, VTA Caffe Latte @ 1.5%, and VT Coffee Base @ 0.25. I use it for all of my favorite coffee vapes like White Chocolate Mocha, Vanilla Latte, and Toffee Nut Latte. There are also a lot of wonderful coffees out there now a days, SSA Mocca Coffee, Lotta Latte, Purilum Caramel coffee with sweet milk.


Will have to try those out for sure! Thanks!


I’ve tried a few different coffee and cappuccino flavours myself during my early mixing career and Mocca Coffee(SSA) and Cappuccino Coffee(SSA) are absolute Winners in my opinion!! I’ve just added Coffee(SC) (Nomz) to my stash which is supposed to be a dynamite flavour :+1:
Here’s a simple and very tasty smooth coffee recipe…
Mocca Coffee(SSA) 0.7%
Cappuccino Coffee(SSA) 1.2%
Whipped Cream(SSA) 1.5%


@MangoDan thank you :wink:


Oo, would you mind posting that? Or do you have it published here?


What, no @Rocky02852 here?

I agree with your picks. I also like Brazilian (WF) (SC) and VTA Coffee Liqueur



That’s what I appreciate with the good coffee flavors. You don’t have to do much to make them taste great. IRL I drink my coffee black and find that just the little bit of sweetness from the VG or a touch of cream and voila, you have yourself a vape. I chuckle to myself every time I post this recipe because it’s probably the only one I’ve posted several times. All I did was add the ingredients of an Irish Coffee like you would in real life and it tastes great (to me anyway :smiling_face: )


What a Yummee Coffee :grinning:
I hope you’re going very well by the way muth!! It’s Daniel Forsyth here from ECF, you gave me a few very very good tips when I first started vaping and I’ll forever appreciate it :heart:


Oh wow, hi Daniel! I can’t remember what it was I told you but I’m glad it helped. Nice to see you here. There’s a lot of nice folks here as well as nice mods. We pretty much roam free because no one causes trouble :tada:


Thank you very muchly muth!!
I’ve been on here for about about a year now and that’s what I’ve noticed that everyone is absolutely awesome and so very helpful :+1:
And there’s a few people here that put a bit of ‘funny twist’ to ELR as well, I shall mention no names there :rofl: let’s just say the milkman and drummer :crazy_face:


Let’s just say I know who the drummer is but not sure who the milkman may be. Oh…yes, I do know! Heehee