LF some Tobacco recipes

Does anyone have good recipes that use one or more of these flavors? Thanks
FlavourArt Monsoon
FlavourArt Burley
FlavourArt Latakia
FlavourArt Perique Black
FlavourArt Shade
FlavourArt Dark Vapure
FlavourArt Virginia

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You could add them to your flavor stash and then search by flavor stash, or click on what can i make.
You could simply search the recipe database by terms.
You could check the flavor notes and see what recipes they’re used in.

Whether they’re good is a very subjective question, but you could just go by ratings (if there are any).


Use these very sparingly, they are great to spice up a tobacco recipe but too much can ruin your mix.

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Cool will do thanks all

I make the follow recipe:
Perique Black @ 0.5%
Virginia @ 1%
Dark Vapure @ 2%
Let it steep for 1 month.

Think about Cured Tobacco from Flavorah. Really great on its own, but perfekt with Shisha Vanilla

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