My juices are all flat!

I have read that EM is good for rounding out flavors and ordered some to play with once I get my feet underneath me. Thank you again for your help.

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If you have a really harsh mix or a bitter one (like a tobacco) EM would probably work well. But with any delicate flavors, be careful, as EMā€™s ā€œrounding outā€ those flavors typically means removing them or seriously muting them.


Hey Huff Iā€™ve found capā€™s marshmallow to be not as sweet as LA or TFA and BSE @2% isnā€™t really that much considering that capā€™s mm is on the weak side. Try adding another 1-2% of the BSE or adding meringue FA if you have or another makers MM. TFAā€™s VC isnā€™t As bold as capā€™s either. As far as the 6 mg batch how long has it steeped bc it looks good maybe bring down the ripe SB. Tad and add sweet strawberry. Also the graham cracker is super strong at 5 % I canā€™t vape it until it steeps at least 7-14 days. I donā€™t know how the e juices are flat ?

Did you by chance add any distilled water to thin your VG ?

I will have to order meringue to try it and I will absolutely try out the Caps VC. The other one has been steeping for about four days so I will let it continue to steep. Thank you for your help. Ps. I have not tried thinking the liquid. Is that helpful?

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The one thing that was the hardest for me to learn about DIY was patience. I wrote off a lot of juice that I thought was badā€¦ I tried them after a month or two and they were awesome. Seems like my best juices took the longest time to cure.


Generally use of distilled water hydrates the VG, eliminates PG, thins when needed with a usual end result of a smoother tasting blend. However, as I, @Amy2, and maybe others who are experimenting with this have found out, it can weaken flavor, extend steep times, and if too much is used even start the atty popping from too much BASICALLY BOILING WATER. Iā€™m hopeing to soon catch up and get back to experimenting with this but I believe both @Amy2 and myself have had to put it on hold due to things going on on the homefront. Check out the Distilled Water thread if this interests youā€¦


Thinning your VG will greatly reduce the flavor ! I donā€™t think this will help you at all as your saying your juices are " flat " assuming no flavor. Is there any chance your suffering from vapors tongue ? Idk what your typical % ratios are but I really think all these could be flavorful maybe not the most but indeed some flavor.

Steeping is key with most custards. I donā€™t like a custard until about 1 week later and really I wish Iā€™d wait about 3 weeks lol. Too impatient.


Over all I feel my problem is being impatient with steep time. I will also tweek some of my percentages based on all the info Iā€™ve gotten from helpful people like yourself. I made a 30 ml batch of revised custard and threw it in my closet to revisit in a few weeks. I will let you know how it turns out. One more question, can I taste now and have any clue if Iā€™m in the ball park? If in a few weeks if I still want a stronger flavor can I tweek it then? If so, do I have to steep for two more weeks?


Anytime is a good time to taste your mix. I have made adjustments after steeping and was able to vape right away, but it does take at 2 or 3 days in some cases to really see how your adjustment are. Itā€™s really all depends on what you add. Anytime you mix tobaccos and creams you pretty much can expect to wait a bit to see how it isā€¦ but with fruit flavor most of the time itā€™s either good right away or a short steep time as most has stated.


Yes to both questions. Hereā€™s what I suggest. Basically you are at this point experimenting to get a feel for what you will like flavorwise, ect. First make smaller batches for experimenting in larger bottles, Say 10 ml batches in at least 15ml bottle. Leaves 5ml for adjustments. 2nd, do not make nic batches till you are sure your recipe is at least good enough that you are able to vape it. Why waste the nic. Keep track of what is in the first batch so you can compare to the new batch and deduct the amounts you already have in your bottle from the new recipe and add only what is needed. This will be how you make adjustments. Hope Iā€™m explaining this without be confusing!

Can you taste it now? Damn right you can. Truth be told, 49 out of 50 blends will IMPROVE with steep which means that if your blend is good as a shake and vape then it will likely be even better with steepingā€¦


Make little bits of stuff every couple of days, too. That way once the initial week or so is over, youā€™ll have new ones that are ready to try every few days. That keeps you in constant juice and helps you wait for the ones that have to sit for what feels like forever. :wink:


That makes sense. I have been writing recipes down and taking notes on everything. What youā€™re saying makes perfect sense. The reason I made a 30 ml bottle is a) I feel relatively confident it will be what Iā€™m looking for based on the original recipe plus the tweaks you guys have suggested and b) the only way Iā€™m going to have any to taste in two weeks is if I make a large batch (because Iā€™m weakšŸ˜œ). I will start making tiny batches every few days as @JoJo suggested so that I have other things to keep me entertained while I not so patiently wait. Ps. You guys are the best! Thank you for your time and Iā€™ll let you know how it turns out.


Remember, if it tastes good with a shake and vape, you can always make another to vape while you wait!

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Will do. One more thing. Iā€™ve seen threads on ways to get to know your flavors. Ways to test them on your own. I canā€™t remember if it was here or somewhere else. Can somebody point me in the right direction?

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Thereā€™s the drop test and some people test a drop of flavoring in anywhere from 2ml (my suggestion for starting) to a shot glass (2 oz) of water. Swish it around in your mouth to get a feeling for what it ā€˜tastesā€™ like.


Perfect. Thank you again!

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i try to do exactly that so my impatience doesnā€™t get the best of me!


Same here big of 7 ml batches 5 a night. Then rotate and steep. The WL bottles Iā€™ve phased out make excellent glass bottle for this.

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Defiantly try and make some shake and vapes. I always have a few of those so my hands to get into trouble fiddling with the batches that are steeping !