New RDA halving coil ohm resistance?

Hope someone can shed some light on this issue.
Just purchased (of ebay) a Geekvape Medusa Reborn 2ml RDA.
Gave it a good clean in soap and water, dried and put in dual fused clapton coils (Geekvape) that should read 0.14 - 0.15 ohm.
The read I’m getting is 0.07ohm on my Smok GX350 mod. Very odd, reading half the resistance that it should be, tried different coils both single and again dual and again is reading half what the resistance should be.

Took everything apart and gave another good dry but again showing half resistance.

I know the coils are good and the mod reads correctly on other RDA’s I have.

What’s going on???
Any help would be greatly appreciated…

If each coil is .15 and you put 2 in the reading will be .075 as the resistance will be halved. To get a total resistance of .15 you need 2 coils that ohm out at .3 each.


You misunderstand me, each coil is 0.3 ohm, yet reading - 0.15ohm. Halving the actual resistance.

How weird!

And you’ve tried the same coils in a different RDA?


Oh ok that is weird - not sure why it would be doing that at all maybe someone else has a clue

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Yep, same coils in my Kennedy reads correct resistance. Weird!

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Try to unscrew the 510 pin from the atty, remove the post the 510 pin attaches to and then return both and make sure the 510 is screwed in tightly.

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Thanks, but tried that to no success.

Does the same happen on a diffrent mod?

I haven’t got another Mod at work with me to try, but will try that tonight.

try giving the connections a polish

You maybe missing an insulator somewhere. That’s my explanation…if it’s not the coils.

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There’s definitely some sort of grounding issue somewhere on that RDA. Maybe the 510 pin’s insulator is cracked?