New Recipe Showcase (2015-2016)

Not too shabby. I’ve been super disappointed with just about every bottle I made over the last few weeks, but that one still has me pretty happy. :smile: I really want to try a few other blueberries. I just got Blueberry from TPA but its the plain blueberry, not the blueberry extra. I probably should start trying these things as stand alones before trying them in recipes but I am so lazy with that kind of stuff. I tried the drop in a shot of water thing but it just wasn’t working for me. Maybe my palate isn’t refined enough…I dunno. Oh well, I’ll figure it out eventually. LoL


It doesn’t really work for me either. ( shot glass)And as for stand Alone’s I too am very lazy myself with that as well.


Did u say u didn’t like the 100 drop test batch? That’s what I used on the Strawberry Pecan Waffles and it came very close to what I have now. I also have a few steeping that I hope will work.


No we were talking about testing the flavors in a shot glass versus making a small test and vaping it to get to know a flavor. JoJo and my style are quite similar put it In a recipe and let it go from there.


How are the FLV working out ? Are the % usage high ?

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No, Some flavors are spot on. The % are on par with FA, except for a couple flavors. I’m happy the flavors I’ve used so far. There was a lot of hype about their Custard and Flue Cured Tobacco.



Nice ! Where did you buy them ?

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I followed the link on Reddit, they have code for a 2 for 1. I got 14 flavors for $35 and free shipping.


Thanks ! I will check them out. I wanted the OOO flavors to be so much more than they really are. Just like to keep new and exciting flavors coming in from time to time !


From what I’ve read, the Flavorah-hype is real. I should find a way to get some :stuck_out_tongue: I never took that reddit-dude up on his offer on buying through him…

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I just looked and it said the promo is over. Hmm. @NewDrip are those colored flavorings ?? I looked at their page and it looks like they have color added to the flavors ? The whole line is only 80$ BUT are all of their flavors Vapable ?

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No they’re not colored. That’s the bottle. Some flavors are a little dark in color… but I don’t think it’s any kind of dye. These flavors are vapor friendly, strictly for diy.


Awesome ! Now they said the promo is over but he has something he’s going to launch soon ? On the link you put up. The whole line is 80$ so you think they are all DIY friendly / Vapable flavors. My birthday is like 2 weeks from now ??? Hmm I just may ask for the line.

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This full line is designed for vaping… 100%.


Have you come across any that are just blah ?

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I’ve only had them about a month and just recently started mixing them. A few test batches tasted good so I’m hoping it stay that way though the whole process. I’ve only used 5 flavors so far and they all are steeping. I didn’t test any flavors, I went by the reviews for my % on the test batches and like I said they tasted good. I didn’t do any single flavor mixes.


Right ! Well it looks like the full line is 22 flavors for 80$ but it doesn’t seem like that covers all the categories? I am excited to have flavors made especially for DIY ! Per Daath he said they have a big following “hype” and you seem to be happy with them. I don’t need much of a reason lol do I !


I think you be happy with them. They also let you sub any flavors you don’t want. You can double or triple any single flavor. I suggest getting 2 or 3 custards for some of the less popular flavors. From what I read the Custard and Cured Tobacco is there best flavors.

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I don’t really care for tobacco flavors anymore I think I will try a few more recipes before I ditch them all together but I rarely ever think about making my. But the subbing out part is good to know ! Do they just let you pick and choose ?

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In the comments to vendor section just write in what you want to sub. If you want 2 or 3 of the same flavor just specify what you want and don’t want.