Ogre meets the Aegis Legend


Question: Have you tried physically chewing it to test its durability? I won’t believe it’s worth a damn otherwise. :wink:

No, really, you do a stellar job. Please keep em coming.


Great technical review again, did you look at the vapetube site??


Great review, thanks for sharing your honest thoughts.
If you’re going to scrutinize the power limits, I would’ve probably used different batteries… but these are probably what a lot of people are going to use anyways. They’re great average batteries for everyday use in a lot of mods, but if you’re really going to look for that high power you can get much better ones.
The bypass function sucks a bit IMO. Bypass should literally be bypassing the regulation and turn the thing into a mech mod performer instead of regulating it at 4V. I really don’t see any advantage of using this mode.
TC is a bit of a bummer as well, underperforming TC is a bummer. I would’ve liked to see a few more tests with it though. From your resistance measurements, it seems like the ohm meter is a bit finicky and I don’t get how you can do proper TC if the issues already start there.

So I guess I’ll still have to wait for a decent powerful water/dust proof mod for a while :frowning:


Thanks for the look! I had a hell of a time not gnawing on it. Especially with that pretty orange part in the middle. But I kept thinkin, nobody wants to see an “already been chewed” mod.


Thank you my friend! I haven’t gotten around to that yet. Too much yard work.


Thank you for taking a peek as well as your thoughts on the review! It’s a bit of an odd bird for sure. Good point on the batteries. I used Sony VTC5A’s for the tech work-up. Should have mentioned that. The show and tell was filmed a couple of days later with the LGHG2’s. Did the review between working in the yard. One more flower garden and spring clean up is done!!


Great review, I always love seeing technical reviews.

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Thank you my friend. I truly appreciate that. It’s the tech stuff I enjoy doing most. Always find a couple of surprises.

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Thanks for your review and the technical information.
I too have a Legend and I love it for its durability.
I found also that it ran cool in TC, I didn’t realize exactly how cool till I watched your review.
Thanks again


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My pleasure. I’m with you on this one. Love it for its durability. I put a Pharaoh on it (no glass) and the kit is a tank for working in the yard. Kind of a side note but I discovered Tiger’s Blood tastes better in VW mode. The strawberry really comes out as the mod ramps up much better than in TC mode. Go figure, lol.


Don’t you wish you had a IP67 rated silicone tank cover that snapped onto the top of the tank to keep dust and grass clippings out? …Well maybe not, you’re an Ogre.

OK the better taste must be that TC error you were detecting with your probes, don’t you wish they could code that adjustment into the board to make these things all more accurate?

It must not be all that easy or they would have done it already.
It’s all smoke and mirrors to me.

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I think the better taste actually comes from using vw mode. Listen to DJlsb’s interview with the engineer who developed replay. He talks about how different flavors get highlighted in VW mode than in TC. Really interesting. And yes, I’m an Ogre. Hard to say what I’ll stuff into a tank.


You can get similar effect in TC for what it’s worth… But, you have to start with a mod that excels in TC to start with, and it’s greatly beneficial (for the purposes of experimenting) if it’s easy to manipulate the temp without having to fiddle with “the balancing act” that accompanies so many mods (when in TC mode).

(Loosely translated example: easiest on a mod that’s ‘TC dominant’ in recent terms, and auto-adjusts for the other other parameters, while maintaining an accurate temp reading).

As you say though, far easier to see in power mode (for the majority). Far less fiddly too (in most cases)! :wink: chuckles

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Love the tech reviews as always my friend, the only YT reviews I want to watch and you always do a bang up job :+1:

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Truly appreciate that! I consider that a HUGE endorsement my human friend.

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