One on One Flavorings

Hi Karen ! I am still working with the pop pastry some of these flavors I am realizing take at least a month to month in a half to really get going. They may not be for everyone because of this. I’ve had multiple testings with several of the newer ones like vanilla frosting comes alive after 4 weeks, pop pastry I have a feeling is going to be in that class too it is mimicking a pop tart w/o the glazed sweetness you may add some Cap’s glazed donut to get that icing effect along with a cake batter to get the doughy sweetness down.

Beignets is a New Orleans treat deeply loved in the south here is a link I guess you could say they are to New Orleans what a Cannoli is to Italy a delectable treat !

Pink Square is attempting to replicate Pink starburst candy all in one w/o adding additional sweet/sour/citrus notes I find the more I play with it the better it is by itself in attempting to just be a pink starburst start off around 7-8% stand alone and see where you like it best.

Also while the newer flavors have a longer steep time they all seem to be falling in the 2.75-3.50% usage range give or take so ymmv and you may feel they’re ready before the month’s up. My advice is to make a larger batch to see what it’s like over time testing and sampling it , that has been a drawback for me I’d make a batch think it was ok then would come back and it was great to end up with like 4 mls of great juice :smile: but that’s a gamble like anything else is so I may just shoot for around 15 mls that way I can try a few mls out at different stages.

Hope this helps.

Forgot to mention Beignets is very much a mixer no sweetness in it on a stand alone ( again as always ymmv ) but I found I really like it anywhere from 1- 3.5% great flavor to add an additional layer of depth for breadiness and has a better taste to me than joy FA which can come off weird at higher ratios.


Solace how are these flavors I’m interested if they been good stand alone or in good recipes .

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Thank you u described it perfectly
The pink square sounds good I never get of northwest .
Now if ice cream is good I’ve wanted to try for long time just hear bad reviews has to be one good review …

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I haven’t tried their Ice Cream sorry, but I can tell you of an Ice cream that is always very very good and that is Liquid Barn’s Vanilla Ice Cream

and I’m starting to see real promise in Real Flavor’s ice cream ( which is Vg based ) both of these places usually have an ELR discount check the resource page and you may have to use the search bar for real flavors discount code…but it your just a small sample try it out kinda gal like me I buy a large portion of RF concentrates here

I can’t say enough good things about Gremlin DIY they make their own blends as well and tbh I am hooked on their white cake and the pixie dust and the red , white & blue cake oh I could go on I need some flavor intervention hee hee


You are a riot :nerd_face:thanks for so
Much input …
I must say never heard of the real flavors of gremlins
On say they sell fake waters down flavors but I have so
Many and very happy with them . Hoping not true
I’ve want Try ooo icecream
With sugar come .
But till
I hear anything good I guess not :nerd_face:
Thanks :blush:

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Sugar cone OOO is still in the tweaking phase I can’t per se say it’s golden yet…while it has plenty of sugar like notes to me at times it comes off as a waffle so my best guess is it’s replicating a duh’ waffle cone when I mainly eat sugar cone lol personal preference but anywho…it has been successful at the 2.25-3% mark depending on what you put it with…it can get overwhelming. I really liked it in this recipe of mine and thought it gave it a good name

Butter pecan ice cream cone

Ingredient %
Butter Pecan (FW) 2.75
Peanuts (INAWERA) 1.5
Sugar Cone (OOO) 3
Toffee Dream Cream (FW) 1.5
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (FW) 2.75
Vanilla Butternut (FW) 1.5
Vanilla Shisha (INAWERA) 1.5

Flavor total: 14.5%

Remember to rate it at!

Amy you know I have vanilia butternut and wasn’t sure how to incorporate in to my flavors
Always had butternut on brain like vegetable
So it gives a nice flavor in recipe . :purple_heart:
Can’t wait to try … Got toffee reg. will have to do but no butter pecan hmmm ! Always conspiracy on missing one … Lol
Great recipe thou …


Your not the first one to say that they thought about it being a vegetable lol
It taste like pancakes to me I swear ! This is a friend’s recipe It is amazing.

Mom's Sunday Morning Pancakes

Ingredient %
Caramel (Original) (TPA) 1
Maple (TPA) 3
Vanilla Butternut (FW) 14

Flavor total: 18%

Remember to rate it at!

Use the Vanilla Butternut anywhere you want some breadiness in a bakery and I bet you’ll be super pleased !

He just used it high like that to achieve a well rounded pancake but I feel I can still get a pancake around 6-8% for me.


Yes I bought most of my fa from gremlin diy
I saw there pixi dust n cake by them do you do as single or as a mix with others
One person told me they water down there flavors but all I have I’m happy with an perfect sz an price range

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Wow a pancake really
I bought and not sure why N never tried … Yes a vegtable funny when u think of it that way ill try this recipe an let you know … thank you Amy

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It’s not my recipe it’s Blax’s I think his name is like XxBlax on the site anyhow if you type in the mom’s morning pancakes you’ll see it. It is really really good !

I have vaped white cake stand alone never did pixie dust but I bet it’d be good. As far as the watering down part never heard that about them all the concentrates I’ve had with them have been great…yes you do have to use them as a pretty high ratio like 5-7% but that could be because it is a mixture of two ( or more ) concentrates these are blends that you still use like a flavor.

Hope ya like that one at least you’ll learn the profile of the Vanilla Butternut and can use it more freely (no veggies there :wink: )


Looking forward to it all
Going to gremlin … :+1:t3:

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I am not sure how many ice creams OoO has but the only one I have from them is Sweet Ice Cream and the description is true, real sweet, definitely not a background flavor, you have to use it low unless you want it as the main flavor profile.

Like @Amy2 I am not sure on the Sugar Cone yet, I love the way it smells but finding the right percentage is proving to be tough.

My favorites so far are the Cream milky undertone (thank you for that @Amy2) Strawberry Sour Belts, Sugar Butter Cookie and there Sweetener is a go to in fruit or tropical flavors, if not it is Stevia, no more sucralose for me.

I got a free sample of the Marshmallow Vanilla and it sure smells tasty and I have a lot more I still need to try, more mixing, less buying would be a good idea :smirk:


Marshmallow vanilla is really good but kinda gets wonky weird above 2% just fyi. Your welcome I love that dang cream milk undertone I get the Vg version and within about 2-3 weeks it is ! Glad your liking it. If you find a sweet spot for the ol sugar cone give me a hola ok ! :wink:


Will do on the sugar cone @Amy2 …what I really need to do is stop ordering more flavors when I haven’t come close to figuring out what to do with what I already have, I am a slave to flavors, what u gonna do? Even still DIY is soooo much cheaper than buying store bought and with the help on here it is rare to mix something that is not as close or better than store bought.

Thanks for the tips on marshmallow vanilla, need to get that into a mix soon.


Thank you all for the feedback on their flavorings. When I found out about their new flavors and free shipping today I checked them out. I was intrigued by some unique ones like the tapioca and pistachio pudding, and regular and caramel condensed milk. And their vanilla wafer cookie. But after reading the reviews here, and the confusion on which of their flavoring are safe to vape (their drop down categories aren’t specific) I might just leave this one alone. I’m on the fence…so been wanting a tapioca and pistachio pudding :frowning:

But tired of wasting money on crap too…oh well, I’m indecisive anyway. Maybe one day I will decide.


There flavors are hit or miss so you’re probably better off waiting until more reviews come out. I got the email as well but have too many flavors to still try so no new flavors for me unless there is just a blow out deal I can’t walk away from.

I know OoO is new to the vape game but there really trying so I wish them a lot of success as that would benefit all of us vapers. I did have a chance to talk to the owner, real nice guy and he said they are all vaping now and working on improving and testing to improve there flavors for e-juice.


I like the sugar cone. It’s good with inawera biscuit and la banana cream. The bread pudding was pretty good as well with Shisha vanilla and Bavarian cream. I haven’t gone back to the rice pudding. There pink lemonade is pretty good at 3% with Shisha strawberry.

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What percentage are you using the Sugar cone at?

Might have to give the bread pudding a try, compare it to the Real Flavors version.

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3-5%. I’ve not had any luck with real flavours bread pudding. It’s a shame as so many mixers really rate it. I find it harsh to vape. It tastes better than ooo flavour but I keep getting a harsh vape from it. It’s the same with their cinnamon custard. I’ve tried various vg and pg ratios and no nicotine mixes as well. I’m not particularly sensitive to cinnamon either.