Please help me to choose mod

Sorry to derail this a little bit.

This here actually shows how little you really know about this.
Sure copper is a better conductor than SS in most cases i can agree to that but saying a copper mod is a better mod due to the material chosen is just plain bullshit.

If you got a bad switch in a copper mod a SS mod with a good switch will out perform that copper mod due to less voltage drop. And another thing is all the different qualities on copper which in turn will lead to copper mods with less conductive characteristics and the same goes with brass.

I for one would appreciate if you could stop regurgitate things you know nothing about.

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You are doing fine Hobbits.

I want the OP to get the best advice he or she can on choosing a mod.


What do you think about pharaon by digiflavor vs Ammit dual coil ?

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Tricky to wick on both. Flavor is on point for both.

Once you get the wicking part down you are good. Hang on and I will find you a thread that helps with wicking those RTAs


So Ammit sometimes cries ;/

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Never go over 10 watts, personally. To the OP, no one can pick your sweet spot except you.


It does weep a bit.

Most of those styles do. I like the Reload RTA. Neat little tank the only time it weeps is after a refill.but that is a quick wipe up. I recommend it. 3fvape has a clone of it made by kindbright.

It is $12 and if you pay a little extra for ePacket shipping for a few dollars more you get it in about 10 days.

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o right it’s look like that everything is fine :slight_smile: thanks a lot for help to everyone!!!

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it’s a final version :slight_smile:

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That evic primo lasted me a month before it died, also, the predator (wismec in general) have a lot of wiring issues along with 510 issues. I would pick the charon




There is something special about a good PWM mod. I only have experience with the NLPWM board on LiPo and it’s about the same leap in flavor DNA TC made over power and older VV mods.

Basically the “switches” (they’re called FETs) in these mods have MUCH lower resistance than any mechanical switch. LiPo batts have MUCH lower resistance than Li-ion and are typically 3 cells in series. The result is that you deliver more power to the coil faster than any other type of mod. Like a copper mech mod on massive steroids. Why that makes the flavor so much better…I can’t really say, but it most definitely does make an obvious difference to my palate. . .I vape around 150W, so I have no idea if that translates to 30W.

For reasons that I have no hypotheses for, the PWM mods do not dry hit like a mech. That one really puzzles me.

If you run TC, I definitely find DNA and to a slightly lesser extent Yihi boards taste better and are more consistent than other manufacturers.

sorry to derail