Poll: What strength Nic do you buy?

My vote was for 100mg in VG and only from Nude.


Same as Ken but from wizard labs and only wizard labs :slight_smile:

i get a 250ml @ 100mg from wizard. i have only tried 2 different places, Vaporshots was the other i had no problems with either but i also had nothing to compare them to. i didn’t think just anyone could buy 1000mg nic. i’m good with 100mg

36mg 30/70 nude nicotine 250mls has been my fav as of recently. Had prior been doing 48mg from WL but too peppery for me and ECX 36 mg but also too peppery and those both were 100% VG. Nude nicotine is my go to from now on clean tasting clear and odorless.

I actually buy 52 mg/ml 50/50 PG/VG nic :smile:

100mg PG nic from Vapers Tek. Great stuff!

I buy 100mg pg nic from ECX. Havent tried it from another source yet.

100mg from the wiz lab, the only other one i tried was a 10 mil of 100mg from amazon both are great but the wiz lab has the better deal.

I buy 100mg from Wizard Labs, I keep 50/50, which I mixed myself, and 100% VG on hand.

I also use 100mg nic in VG from Wizard Labs. Have to buy by the gallon and their price seems fair…

I buy 100mg from ECX and dilute it to 20 to 40 mg for mixing.

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100mg at 50/50 from my freedom smokes

Update, still using 100mg Nicotine in VG but changed quantities. I now buy 2 Liters so I can use it faster. I have also changed vendors to Hearthland Vapes. I feel my Nic is much improved…

  • 24mg
  • 36mg
  • 48mg
  • 60mg
  • 72mg
  • 100mg
  • 250mg
  • 1000mg
0 voters

As well here

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I recently switched from WL to Nic Select. You can buy this from Heartland or Nicotine River. It’s an extracted nic rather than synthetic and my liquids are far superior to what they were. I highly recommend!

http://www.nicotineriver.com/ since I bought from them.

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I have 100mg from ecx

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72mg is the max we can buy here in the UK 72 it is for me.

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100mg from nicvape

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72mg in vg is the max in the uk we can buy😥

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