I rate my recipes on my spreadsheet usually but haven’t been doing it on the site. Just curious if anyone rates/stars their own recipes?
I do!
I do sometimes.
I do also ! It helps me for when I want to make it again. If I didn’t rate it I either haven’t gotten to it or don’t know how I feel about it.
I dont rate my own recipes. No particular reason, i guess i never thought to do so.
Same. I think maybe I should start. I went through and did all the ones I’ve tried so far. I’m such a critic though…I really wanted to give everything one or two stars. LoL
I’ll rate the private ones. But I find it mildly obnoxious when people rate their public recipes.
Especially when it’s an adapted recipe with a different size, ratio, nic, etc. and not really an original recipe.
I’m kind of the opposite. I wish more people would rate their recipes so it’s more obvious whether or not they liked them.
I like seeing comments by the recipe creators showing different alterations they’ve made.
I tend to do this the most on my recipes, especially if after sampling I find it’s a good shake and vape or whether I’ve readjusted %'s or if a trial from a vaper has had some feed back on my recipe etc.
Sometimes I just use comments or notes as a notation section to keep track of certain changes I made to a recipe etc.
I agree. I have used the star rating system often when researching flavors for a new mix. It’s quite helpful. Thus, I rate my recipes so that others can see it was a successful mix for me. I have noticed that when I rate my own recipes, the “read times” count is significantly higher than if I had not rated the recipe. I look at rating one’s own recipe as helping others; not as self promotion or tooting one’s own horn.
I too agree! I rarely look at a recipe unless it is rated 5 stars, has a interesting name, or it’s creator is one of you guys or gals in the forum. Some body has to check up on you people…
I try to make sure I rate all my recipes. It helps others to know whether I liked the end result or not.
I just don’t always make my recipes public. If they turn out not so good, I typically don’t share them publicly. I try to make sure and put notes on them too about how long I’ve steeped and any other tips to get the flavor just right.
I wish more people would rate and put in notes on recipes they really like a lot and NOT share anything that is just not any good. But, that’s my humble opinion.
Tis true. Out of the 125 recipes I’ve got on my list, only 50-something are public; I don’t publish unless I’d make it again myself. Always making good notes has been my downfall. : (
I agree w/ u as far as someone making a recipe and just changing ratios I find it a lil annoying as well. But as for the rating I do like this option as it helps me to know I like it and will make it again. I probably would have over 500 recipes if I didn’t keep them rated and go thru them every once in a while like cleaning out the closet ya just got to do it.
@Jimk Very good points Jim. Stars, notes and comments give recipe browsers a better idea of how good or bad a recipe turned out.
I also rate my own recipes but only so I know how much I liked them myself. The problem with rating juices and tastes is that it is different for every person. A bit like beauty being in the eye of the beholder, taste is in or on the tongue of the taster.
You noted in another post:
My favourite one is the Belfast Caife Blasta
The link seems defunct now! Do you have this recipe in your possession?
Unfortunately I do not. I was expecting it to stay where it was. Had I known it would be removed I would have saved it somewhere else.
Oh well, at least we have the idea in our heads from your description/list of flavors; now for the magic of mixology!
Did manage to find the maker of the juice though, maybe you can ask him/her. zxmalachixz