Real Flavors Super Concentrates Tasting Notes (Part 1)

thats the truth


im with you on the coconut extra , i started to use capella and still not that great , RFSC however is a good one imo im still playing with it but it seems to not have that plastic artificial taste


Knocking these down on the SC RDTA v1.

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I too see a lot of the coconut extra being used, and it’s not repulsive (I think) but to me it’s almost got a heavy oily/greasiness to it. Def. NOT my first choice. Is that what you guys are getting ?

Outta likes (again), … but I’m still liking !!!

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ime it tastes like cheap sun tan lotion smells you know the ones with coconut


Deep Fried Spongecake SC 2.5% (4-29-17) – 2 weeks+ steep @ 40w. on the SC RDTA v.1 this one really tastes good. I had assumed would just be some vanilla variant, but it actually tastes like a Twinkie, … errrrr, ummmm, Spongecake. Was actually surprised by this, and am not sure how they did it, but I’ll take it. I don’t think I’m getting much deep fried, but that is OK by me, because the Twinkie really shines, tastes accurate, and mouthfeel is very good. Nice twinkie vape. Smells, tastes, and room notes all the same. VERY tasty. Typically I rate per the name, and although this doesn’t give me any deep fried, the accuracy of the Twinkie forces me to go with a 10/10 JUST for the twinkie. Twinkie/spongecake lovers rejoice, it is here !!


For me I had an issue with juices I made (with the coconut extra) would all taste really raw and strong, kinda hard to explain the taste I had I want to say raw coconut pulp (from an unripe coconut and you scrape the inside meat, but very high flavored (I lived in Panama CZ in the late 60’s early 70’s and use to go get coconuts right out of the jungle as a kid) I do know the taste of a coconut). It took me a while to narrow the flavor down as coconut it is that strong it didn’t even resemble coconut, it was/is just my taste buds or something, I guess. I tried dropping the (coconut extra) all the way down to under .25% and still if it is in a mix, it’s as if I was still using it at 3% or whatever.
I do have the Coconut SC. Mixed at 1.5% has a nice flavored texture that I can see used in a wide variety of juices, I have no problems with it and so far it hasn’t tried to overpower other things I have mixed it with.

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My actual notes on Coconut (SC) is as follows:
I mixed up 15ml 1.5% 30/70 (pg/vg) 6mg nic 0.25 Ohm duel SS coils @ 23watts.
The SC Coconut has a nice smooth flavor at that percentage. I wouldn’t use it as an all day vape, just too plain, but it does have a good semi-sweet coconut flavor on the profile of what you would purchase for cooking or baking, the sweet flaked coconut. I am not getting a “bite”, but the flavor does seem to linger for awhile in the mouth, at this percentage it isn’t unpleasant (which is what I get from Coconut (Extra) to the point I can’t use it at all even in small amounts). All in all it seems to be a good flavor to play with for a bit of sweetness and would most likely be a good addition to cookie and/or candy type recipes… after adding to some Bust a nut, the jury is still out if (at least in the percentage I’ve used), it may have made it too sweet or candy like.


God I love that smell.

Do you know how much of this I rubbed on Myrtle Beach babes when I was a young man?


Love the smell of that… and ya should keep your glasses on more often… it was a nice back rub while it lasted…


Well…you felt pretty hot.


Well I was getting into it… lolololol


You are on form today Tut :+1::laughing::joy:


yeah… it’ll probably get me ban’d lol


Thanks @Walt_RealFlavors water cup arrived in pristine condition… now if you only made coffee cups…


Backlava SC 2.5% (4-29-17) – 2 weeks+ steep, and I knew this wasn’t going to work for me. DISCLAIMER – Honey flavors are one of the HARDEST flavors to get right, and natural. – You will have to try this for yourself, and see if you like the honey. For me the honey put me off immediately. Haven’t vaped hardly any honeys so maybe this is how they all are, don’t know. I really didn’t spend much time with this one due to the adverse thoughts on the honey which is forward in the mix, and cannot do a full review. Your mileage will vary depending. As far as my tastebuds go, I have to hit it with a 2/10. Please try for yourself and decide.


Really good notes, fella. I think I’ll have to put condensed milk on the retest list too. I’ve noted that my tester had very little flavour at all :thumbsup:


@DrChud thank you very much. Not sure what % you mixed your SC @ or what steep time, but WOW, 2.5% @ 2 weeks made my head spin.

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@Fozzy71 @wvsanta @fidalgo_vapes I’m sure you guys have tested the backlava already ?? What were your thoughts ?? Thoughts on the honey ??


I honestly didn’t get a honey note from it but I have never vaped honey and don’t eat honey. I thought I liked it at first but later I couldn’t vape it standalone. That is the one I first noticed an off note that I described as cloves and later thought maybe nutmeg but @Walt_RealFlavors always ignores me when I ask what it might be. The last 220ml batch I made of it I ended up mixing with a pumpkin pie batch and dumping in all sorts of random flavors/batches to try and make it tolerable. I now have a 500ml jar of baklava + pumpkin pie + banana bread + samoa cookie that I still get that off note from…

I do like it when mixed in a recipe at a low percent like this:

Pistachio Baklava
4.00% Pistachio (TFA)
2.00% Acetyl Pyrazine (TFA)
2.00% Baklava (Real Flavors)
2.00% Butter Pecan (FW)
0.25% Liquid Stevia (Pyure)
variant of -

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