Real Flavors Super Concentrates Tasting Notes (Part 1)

does the v1 have that taste ??? because if it had all other aspects to it besides the funny taste id jump all over it

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none of the V1’s had that off flavor like the V2;s do but I can not tell you if they are the same other than that because all I taste in the V2’s is the off flavor. I can not taste anything else as it is very potent to me anyway.


The V2 of Bread Pudding and French Toast has that odd smell/flavor for me as well, the French Toast V2 smells like burnt rubber to me. Both V1 versions are a lot better but still need to play around with percentages with both. My taste still leans toward CAP French Toast though, it has more of a buttery maple syrup taste to it but the RFSC might be more realistic.

As far as percentages we are still in the infancy of the SC line so we are all feeling are way around what we like. A lot of RFSC flavors are not good to me as single flavors mixes but they work well to compliment other flavors. The 1 to 2.5% is just a guideline, don’t get so caught up in staying in that box. FA has been brought up a number of times and there is no argument they make a fine product. I have converted some FA recipes into RFSC using the same percentages and find RFSC to be about on par strength wise, with one simple recipe I posted earlier the RFSC was much stronger actually.

Maybe they should have kept the name “Raw Extracts” instead of changing it to Super Concentrates, while some are super strong others are not, some are downright subtle to the point of barely being able to taste it. There just like every other flavor line, they have there hits and misses.


You can also just add Distilled Water at 2 to 5% to help thin out a max VG mix and I have found helps a little with flavors coming through more quickly. I think the reason it helps with flavor as well is the cotton can get saturated quicker, a nicely saturated wick will give off a tastier vape.


Do you use regular distilled water, or some ultra pure distilled water? I tried adding store bought distilled water to some samples, to try to lessen the harshness, and it makes it murky. Not clear… Looks like mud puddle water. Lol.


Real Flavors SC Vanilla Custard mixed @2.5 pct
80vg 20pg made 3-28 tested 4-16 dual clapton .31ohms velocity v2

So i want to be fair here and get this out of the way i love creams and custard and i love what makes them great YES i love me some diketones , if i could id add some diacetyl here and there ( not really ) but imo they are what makes my fave creams /custards what they are , so obviously this isnt gonna make the cut for me ( my thought b4 vaping ) but to my surprise this Vanilla Custard isnt too bad and its been under a month No its not VCV1 but a hell of a lot better than VCV2 ( capella ) and id use it over tpa any day , i wont compare to FA because thats a different custard right ?? this though has its place in my line up, right now its lacking the vanilla id like to taste and the BA is heavy i could taste it instead of just smell and that worries me just a little bit usually a product that has BA has faded by now but being a custard im assuming its heavy here opposed to a lighter cream ( im assuming its BA ) mouthfeel is nice and it has a smooth creaminess so for me it could easily be a number two Vanilla Custard ill use it with FA cream whipped just to get some Diacetyl lol im anxious to try this again in a couple weeks


I just used Sparkletts Distilled Water, I don’t think it was any ultra pure version, the only version they had in the store. I have only used it 2 or 3 times but never had a mud puddle look to it. I usually vape 75 VG mixes but recently made a max VG Creme Brulee but didn’t add any DW, mistake by me as it is too thick to vape in a tank, just dripping it in my Peerless RDA. Flavor is a little muted, it has RF VG Creme Brulee and the INW version as well, good but not great.


Blueberry SC 2.5% (4-16-17) – 2 weeks + steep and there is only ONE thing to say about this flavor. FRESH BLUEBERRY !!! This one is probably the best blueberries I’ve had, and I’ve been a dyed in the wool Blueberry Wild user forever. Nice, full and sweet in the inhale, and then you get both barrels loaded with blueberry on the exhale. Not getting anything fake, or candy-like, just nice sweet blueberry. Slightly tart, and just about right sweet. Can def. see this is a cheesecake partner that will steal the show. Must give 10/10.


Hehe, crazy to ride around all day without your seatbelt on, but dammit, some times you just HAVE to. Great review fidalgo.


thank you a bit extreme lol


@mjag, Would distilled water be the same as boiling a kettle with reverse osmosis water through, I have water jugs I use for drinking water that is reverse oz, and if I boiled that I’m thinking or hoping that would distill it? Any thoughts on this?

@wvsanta no worries I never thought you were centering me out all good, this has become a great discussion and thanks for pointing this fact out that this company is not a ejuice sole company. Gonna re test my flaves at higher percentages but so far the Root Beer tastes like it should and so does the cherry cola but were weak. I feel much happier now because I was so excited my wife could enjoy vaping again. I was kinda bumbed out thinking I had to pg a product up that I wanted for to get away from pg for her. Me on the other hand enjoy a bit of a throat hit without the high nic levels… vape at 2mg.


@Fozzy71 @fidalgo_vapes More coming…

Strawberry Rhubarb - Super Concentrate × 1
Cake Batter - Super Concentrate × 1
Cherry Limeade - Super Concentrate × 1
Beaver Tail (SPECIAL EDITION) - Super Concentrate - 1oz Bottle × 1
Cinnamon Custard - Super Concentrate × 1
Fruit Danish - Super Concentrate × 1
Peach - Super Concentrate × 1
S’mores - Super Concentrate × 1
Vanilla Ice Cream - Super Concentrate × 1
Deep Fried Cookies and Cream - Super Concentrate × 1
Chocolate Milkshake - Super Concentrate × 1
Milk - Super Concentrate × 1


If it removes the minerals then it should be good. From what I have read DW is used as it does not have minerals which can build up on your coils. I have not looked into it for awhile though so my memory could be a little off.


Reverse Oz removes all minerals by filtering water through filters to take out all minerals. Boiling should distill any remaining whatevers should be in them I would assume. I’m no chemist but theoretically should be fine.

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Thankyou for this idea @mjag


Distilling water is basically collecting the steam and allowing it to re-condense. if you boil water it will kill any bacteria or bugs in it if your filter system removes the minerals and added chemicals then it will be ok.

But surely buying a bottle of distilled water is relatively cheap? If i need it I buy it for about $4 for a litre at the auto parts shop it is used to refill car batteries. I don’t use it in a mix though as i don’t find the need for it


We buy distilled water for my hubby’s CPAP machine at the grocery store. $.79 per gallon.


Damn is there anything we don’t pay more for in Australia lol - most likely because the auto store where i am is a rip off never thought to check the supermarket


I’d like to share my.experience so far with a couple of the SC flavors. This has become a colossal thread so I hope it doesn’t get banter-buried.
Firstly, I’m one of those unfortunate souls that has selective tastebuds, in terms of what I can clearly taste and what I struggle to taste . Strawberry is one of those I struggle with so I had high hopes when I finally discovered Real Flavors SC.

No in-depth tasting notes here but initial trials (30pg/70vg-6% nic) with both Strawberry SC and Vanilla Custard SC at 3% each have been disappointing. My trial mix also included TFA Marshmallow and FW Kiwi at 1% each for a complimentary flavor bump. And THOSE I can taste!
Very light flavor after a 5 day steep. So light that I was wondering if I was mistakenly sent diluted versions. At 10 days there was virtually no change in overall flavor. Now I bet someone here will say it needs to steep longer. OK… but after10 days I expected at least enough flavor to say to myself “Ooo this bitch is gonna be good when it sits a bit longer”. Well…nope! Didn’t happen. So now I’m testing again, same mix but I have bumped both Strawb and VC to 5%.

I dunno. Maybe my thought process, in terms of how Super Concentrated is defined, isn’t too accurate.


the one thing ive realized about strawberry in general is that it doesnt have a super strong flavor ( im talking about real strawberries ) its a fruit that overall has a weak taste , when i tested the RFSC i was actually eating strawberries lol not purposely i just was , i also thought the taste was weak at 2pct but very realistic , i dont usually mix other flavors when testing a flavor for the first time especially a custard , i do agree with you that it should not take two to four weeks for any fruit flavor to develop but it does take time for custards and in that time ive always felt the fruit especially strawberry does fade