[REQ] Help PLEASE! Grapermelon Chill by The Vaper's Knoll

Does anyone know what brand flavoring they use and/or have a recipe for this? My sister is begging for this.

For the mixers, a description of the flavor

A soothing blend of grapes, watermelon, and menthol.


Never tasted it but I would say a good start would be

If you search the recipe site for those you will come up with a few that may fit the profile

This one may not quite fit but it looks quite nice


I used to vape a lot of “thug juice” from mtbakervapor… I am going to work on a similar profile it was a watermelon grape menthol flavor… I will let you know what I come up with


Thanks!! That’s a good starting point!!!

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Thanks alot!!! I’ve had the Thug Juice before but I’ve never tried the Grapermelon Chill so I’m kinda flying blind on this one. I wish I knew the vendor of their flavorings. I may even have some Thug Juice flavoring left in my stash.

i think the watermelon is the easy part… the grape to me is hard… the couple of grapes that i have tried (i have a few in my stash that i have not used yet) taste way too fake or syrupy… My mother in law lives off of the Grape Hard candy flavor from a local vendor and to me it tastes like TFA grape candy so i mixed that single flavor for her at 10% and she cant tell the diference… i think its too fake tasting… the menthol part i would probablly stick with a low koolada as suggested earlier… i am going to expirament with some white grape flavorings and i have another delivery of flavors coming tomorrow or saturday i believe so i will put this on my to mix list for this weekend and see if i can help out… I have not had the grapermelon either but maybe we can band together and make something she will like better :slight_smile:

on second thought koolada doesnt really taste like menthol just that kool sensation though its very similar to menthol to me… especially on a sub ohm setup… i stopped vaping menthols when i started sub ohming and building my own coils because it was just way too strong lol so it might need a slight touch of menthol too for flavor purposes

Sounds great!!! Once again thanks alot!! I just messaged her asking if she could describe the flavors a little more so maybe that will help. I agree with the grape being the one hardest to figure out.

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I considered the Koolada also but definitely think I’m gonna have to use some menthol for her. I stopped vaping anything with menthol a few years back but she is fairly new to vaping and just has to have the menthol.

Creme de menth (fw) is also a good menthol sub in low quanity


good idea! i have some of that also

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I haven’t thought of that, thanks!!

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I understand. I got my dad on an ecig for new years this year he hasnt smoked a stinky since January 3rd!!! im so proud of him! I mix him a strait Menthol mix no other flavors and he is happy with that… all he wants is that strong menthol flavor lol i am actually mixing him up a big batch right now so i can get it in the mail tomorrow so he doesnt run out!


Sounds like you are in the same boat as me. She has gone back to the stinkies a few times but not since she found this juice. Now she is wanting to make it herself so I am in the process of ordering everything she needs to get started. If I can’t get her a really good clone recipe before I order I’m just going to make sure I get her some menthol, just not sure which one yet lol.

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She says its more of a grape candy flavor, like a grape jolly rancher. Guess I need to get some grape candy.

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That is debatable… In my experience grape candy does NOT taste like a grape jolly rancher as a stand alone… I have some white grape I am going to expirament with I will get back to you soon on that… We will figure it out!! :slight_smile:

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2 of my favorite grape flavors are flv grape and fw grape soda. I actually like the grape soda the best. To me it’s the most realistic grape without the chemical taste.


Thanks!!! That helps!!

Thanks!!! Sounds great!

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