(REQ) Looking for a good Bit O Honey chewy candy recipe

(REQ) Looking for a good Bit O Honey chewy candy recipe, cant seem to find one at all. Thanks in advance.

What have you tried so far?

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Can you post a link to the liquid and paste the flavor description?

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Its the old candy called Bit O Honey hehehehe I use to eat it when I was a kid.

I have not tried any at all. I did find one topic on it though and this is the only info I have found at all… All (FA) flavors: 3%honey, 2%torrone, 2%hazelnut or marzipan, 1% marshmallow and possibly little almond too 1%, I have not tried it doesnt look too good too me for the %s, not sure. Im after that rich strong, sweet bit o honey flavor.

you can go here and see what the candy looks like: http://www.candycrate.com/bitohoneycandy.html?gclid=CMX34oPg7dECFYW1wAodU8QJdQ

I found a couple of threads about it just using google. One was on VU and another on ECF.

Based on what I read if I was to try to recreate it I would look at
Toasted almond
EM or some sort of sweetener


Ya when I re-worded searches to honey and almond I started to find more of what I was looking for, kinda surprised not many have attempted this recipe it is a great flavor, maybe its kinda close to Milk and Honey recipes? Many thanks man, looks like I will need to see what I can come up with.

Bit-O-Honey RF v2

Caramel (SC) (Real Flavors)2.5
Honey (FA)0.35
Molasses (SC) (Real Flavors)0.25
Peanut Butter (SC) (Real Flavors)3

Flavor total: 6.1%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

I would go real easy on the honey. Vaping it, on the exhale, it smells like moldy feet. At least thats what my girl tells me. If you find a decent mix would you let me know. I loved Bit-O-Honey when I was a kid. Would love to vape it.

TY so much… I will have to put in a order for flavors.

Peanut butter - exactly!

That was always my favorite part of this candy. As you eat it you come across these little pockets of peanut butter. Awesome!


Moldy feet, cat piss, take your pick. Lol! I can’t use fa honey any higher than .25% without getting the funk.


Cat piss for certain.


FW Honey seriously does not have a urine of the feline persuasion taste to it. Or a foot of a rugged soldier odor. It is a sweet and clover like honey. I love it.

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