Review on the Cotton - Bacon v2 vs Cotton Candy vs Muji + Some more cottons

I seen his channel once or twice. I couldn’t listen to him, he got on my nerves after about 10 seconds.

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I didn’t know that. I assumed it was everywhere. There you go, very rare a top notch product is available to Australia and not everyone else. Usually the other way round.

Warning ! Language warning. Review on wicking material,

This guy will tell you if something isn’t very good. Even if sent to him for free.

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I checked amazon uk and ebay and couldn’t find it there either

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I don’t mind the language at all, I just think he’s a gobshite lol

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Yeah I could see that. I think he likes himself too much for me. But most narcissists I know are pretty picky and only want the best. That’s my cheap take on him, I’m betting on his character flaws to help me out. He is totally better mentally adjusted then me. And god I think he’s better then most of the others that come to mind too. You know what I’m talking about!

Yeah I had a quick look, Europe, Asia & Australia. Blow me down. No US.


I’ve really started to go off youtube reviewers lately. I think the people in here know way more that all of them combined and I’ll ask in here if I want to know something rather than check youtube.
What European sites did you find for that cotton by the way?.

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There were more.


Bit too pricey for me, thanks for the links though.

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FYI a couple of days ago I got 2 bags of Cotton Bacon V2 through amazon for $6.30 the seller was lightning vapes.

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I’ve tried nearly all the cottons mentioned in this thread and my go to cotton is now cotton candy. I have never had burnt cotton and I vape 0.08 - 0.11 ohm aliens on a mech mod for the most part, so plenty of high wattage and heat. I find that less is definitely more when using cotton candy. For me, the flavor is better than any other cotton and that there is no burn in time at all, flavor is great from the get go.

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I have used Cotton Bacon since I started vaping 2 years ago. I have tried various other brands and I still think Cotton Bacon is the best next to hemp. To me the Cotton Bacon has less effects on flavor, wicks better, and lasts longer.


I’ve used 90% of the “premium” cottons. None hold a candle to Muji.
The shipping from Japan can be slow. But it smokes any other bs cotton.

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Kendo Gold beats them all :smile:


Kendo Gold is my number 2, I think Cotton Candy just has the edge.
I will say that the tubs of Cotton Candy seem to be better that the strips sold in small plastic bags.

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Amazon carries Muji. 360 pass for like $13 and if you have prime or a prime guest, shipping is free.

I never thought I would use anything but rayon until I tried Muji. Great vape. I still use rayon in some applications

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I’ve never even seen cotton candy here. I might do a search for it.

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There’s so many mixed reports on Muji. Some love it and some absolutely hate it. I’m somewhere in the middle


I cut a strip and pull it apart like a Scottish roll. It wicks so much faster that way and there is zero break in.


That’s how I wick with it too. I just find that Kendo lasts much longer and holds a lot more juice


I’m sure I will give the kendo a try one day, but I currently have a 2 year supply of cotton and a lifetime supply of rayon thanks to @Skullblade789