Searching by flavor stash ticking the flavors off

hi, on the search by flavor you get the stash and you tick the flavors where there is a green mark next to them – when you tick them off,( THE guide says tick them off ) does this mean exclude this flavor? i was under the impression this meant “include this flavor,” so when i have a bunch of greens on that page, that means the recipes shown wil NOT include those ingredients or WILL include those ingredients? thanks val


the 'tick" means it must be contained in the recipe. Gl to u!


hi Worm1, thx , i thought so, but the guide states ticking these flavors OFF

the wording "as you tick off the flavors, makes me wonder whether i was setting those to OFF not ON

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yep and the search narrows as u include more but wow, i see there is more text now there about the importance of a correctly listed stash.


i thought you were getting upset with the flavors , hahahahaha lol sorry …


yes, i found this out and changed my placement of text while adding stash flavors, b4 changing the wording of flavors, i had half or the results on the “what can i make search” now its doubled when i paid attention to the flavor list that pops up when adding a new flavor


It’s a shame more people don’t do that!