Single Coil vs Dual Coil RDA - Thoughts?

As far as the flavor, try adjusting your coils. The Rabbit does give good flavor if the coils are placed correctly. Just takes some adjusting.


I have both and use both, any of them have a time and place but I do tend to grab my single coil RTA and rda more often lately.

Wasp nano on my gbox sometimes I swap it for the peerless
Another wasp nano and drop on my regular non squonk mods, kylin mini when I don’t want to use RDA or kensei Rta if I want dual. Everything else I pretty much retired for now and boxed up.

All of these give me great flavor but I don’t feel like vaping 60-100 watts all the time, hence the single coils at around 35-45 watts or 345-385 F in tc.


I had a tough time with the same issues you are facing. I also recently started using the Coilology prebuilt coils, but mine are the Ni80. With the Dead Rabbit 24 I have found my best vape with a single coil large mass coil. The way the build deck is it can do single coil very well. Some will say the air flow isn’t designed for it, but it works well for me. I found dual coil builds just made the RDA and mod run too hot even with simple round wire builds. I also have the Dead Rabbit SQ 22mm, but I really enjoy the 24 much better.


Lol. All these comments of trying to get stuff working in the dead rabbit…makes me want to keep rocking my goons. Ss316l 24g 9wrap 3mm ohm 0.21-0.23 (dual coil). 74-79watts all day.

But yeah, I do use a Clapton wire in my single coil entheon.


I’ve not had problems getting it working or good flavor. My issues were heat dissipation related. Finding the optimal builds are something I think we all go through with each new RDA we try.


Since it’s easy to do a single coil configuration in DR couldn’t hurt to try one and shut down the airflow a bit to compensate.


The DR 24 is OK with flavor … but it isn’t the best flavor chaser. I still prefer my Goon. Not just for flavor but also because it allows me more variety in builds.

I still want to pick up an Oumier Wasp for flavor testing though. Good cheap rda with lots of flavor. The only downside probably is the small juice well, but if you squonk that probably isn’t even an issue.

I’m not sure if the question single/dual coil can easiliy be answered if you want flavor. There are RDAs in both categories that produce great flavor. There are more factors that play a role.

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I don’t read it that way at all.
I see it as the OP having a preconceived set of ideas as to what’s “expected” as the norm, and learning that in reality (through some very kind, and very accurate responses, IMO) that is more about the fact that the OP is in actuality, learning to find his “sweet spot”.

The dead rabbit isn’t the fault. It just happens to be the platform being experimented on. :wink:


Thanks again all.

Very much agree with @Sprkslfly here. It looks like I’m moving into the realm of subjective personal preference now.

This has saved me from going out and buying another RDA (although I probably will anyway because I love gear lol) - and just getting the set up I like with the coils I like through experimentation. It’s been an education - at least I now know I’m not ‘doing it wrong’ so to speak!


Looks very interesting @Weedhunter !

Just an update - tried the DR with a single Coilology SS coil, spaced it and added an extra wrap, plus bumped it up to 3mm.

Ohms at 0.35, and have to say performs great at my favoured 65w with much less heat buildup. Airflow still works really well. So impressed with this RDA!


I’ve gone to single coil, and 1+ ohms, to conserve power/battery life on almost all of my RDAs.

I can’t speak to performance or taste difference, tho.

Kanthal requires only about 75% the total length of SS 316L, which conserves wire, too.

Interested so pls let us know.

Why ?!?

The heat flux etc. are all the same, the only thing that changes is the resistance. And If you are talking about the resistance for a mech mod, then the difference is much larger.

I love both single and dual. I love my dead rabbit with either since crazy braid with 34g, slentre braid with 36, or a smaller framed staple with 40g.

On the same side of the token I really really really love the Wotofo recurve. That little rda fucking blows such flavorful vape.

I’ve tried a haku, I sort of like the wasp but hate plastic caps so that kills the wasp for me. Out of all single coil attys I think the recurve is the best rounded rda money can buy. I like the haku but the way I enjoy vaping causes a volcano top cap.

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I don’t know why… In the steam engine app, Kanthal only requires 5 wraps to reach the 1ohm I’m looking for, whereas SS316L requires 7.5 wraps. Less wire required.

Kanthal has a higher resistance compared to SS.
Higher resistance = higher ohms (ie: resistance wire for toasters, etc.)
Lower resistance = lower ohms = better electrical conductivity.

I’m not an expert, just parroting (regurgitating?) what i’ve learned so far :innocent:

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Sure, if all you care about is the resistance, then SS have a significant lower resistance than Kanthal, but resistance isn’t all that matters. In fact it only matters when building for an unregulated mod, for a regulated mod it (almost) doesn’t matter at all.

Simply building the coil bigger in order to reach the same resistance when switching from Kanthal to SS, would be a grave mistake.

Would you should do is build the same size coil, and then simply accept the lower resistance if you are running on a regulated mod, or manipulate the resistance in other ways if using an unregulated mod.

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I’m just curious about this… what is so magical about your 1Ω?
I quit trying to reach a certain resistance long time ago. I just build to fit the deck and as long as the result is above 0.08Ω, I’ll vape it (regulated mods only).

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I agree I had crappy flavor on my Dead Rabbit I was so pissed off I almost threw in the garbage but… I found that my coils where sitting too high so I did a build with the coils pretty close to the post and it made huge
difference in the flavor it was so much better


I forgot to mention why that worked it works because the air flow comes in at
a downward angle when my coils were to high the airflow was shooting above the coils, lowing them caused the air flow to flow properly through under the coils that gave way more flavor
(or something like that :grimacing:)

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