Smok v8 stick kit with the big baby beast

Guys help.
M1 and m2 coils are nowhere to be found ATM.
What light baby beast or big baby beast coil can I use on the v8 stick kit?
Desperate now.
The 0.6 coil is like sucking a golf ball through a hosepipe

I’m pretty sure all the regular baby beast coils fit the big baby beast. Did the big baby come with an rba?

My Freedom Smokes shows them in stock. Hope this helps.

The V8BBB comes with the big baby beast. No rba. But I’ve sourced one. I’ll try a few builds in the morning.
I just like stock coils lately, I build in my dripper so I’ve become lazy

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I’m in south Africa. I wonder what the shipping price will be. Lol

Any baby beast coils will work for it,
I only use the m2 but iv had to use the t6 and had no problem