So the Altus is now available at Origin


Anyone thinking of getting one of these? If being in the tech industry as long as i have has taught me anything it is let other people test the products before i buy it. Oft times things work great in labs or in small use trials but once they hit the wild you never know what will happen. Pretty need concept tho.

Personally i like building coils and you will still have to rewick it looks like.


I’ll let you know when mine gets here. Funny that they’re located in NY. I have a friend here in NY that last we talked was working on this exact technology… I’ll be pissed if its him and I could’ve gotten one for free lol

Edit: nope, i watched the youtube vid, thats not him… I wonder what ever happened with what he was doing, it was this exact same idea


Well @Errl, looks like you and I will be the guinea pigs for the forum. :grin:

First adopter, I’m not…but, I’ve been waiting a long time for this technology! :money_mouth_face:


yeah i like building my coils, but I’m a junkie for new toys and this one looks too cool to pass up trying before all my friends do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks Errl, looking forward to your thoughts on the device.

I’m a little nervous about it, but hopefully its awesome

I bet, it isnt cheap thats for sure. But as an ex heavy smoker it would be less that two weeks of smokes in my state, hehe. I believe it comes with a 1 year warranty too.

thats one week of smokes in my state (NY) lol! it does come with a warranty, but who knows what their policies on that are. I dont place bets on warranties :disappointed:

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I waiting for some reviews first.

im sure youll be getting them from @Jimk and myself shortly :wink:


What would i do with the thousands of feet of wire? hehe

Im most likely going to wait until there is a universal styling of this type of coil, if it is successful i can imagine that the tank companies will be styling their devices to fit. With that said i also see this as the reason it wont drop too much in price as coils are a big money maker for them.

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even if this were to completely replace what we have now, id still take out my devices with traditional coils… It’s like driving an antique car… kinda how i treat my genesis style tanks now a days


I hear ya, i still use my first mechs and some of the RDA’s. My wife still uses her original RDA’s too, Nimbus and Igo-w series.


Would consider an RDA with a heated chip and just add and replace the wick. Will we ever stop being pioneers?

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We are just at the beginning, the IBM-5150 of vaping, hehe.


Boooooo! :,(

“ERROR: Coupon “vapingmorecheap” does not exist!”

That’s weird! Worked for me last night??? I’ll go make a “dummy order” and see if it happens to me. :triumph:

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You’re right! Doesn’t work now…hmmmm? They must have closed that code down this a.m.

I’ll look around and see if I can find a good code!

Edited my earlier post! :grimacing:

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I am going to wait for some reviews to come out as well.A few statements on the web site have me a little hesitant. The first is the statement dry burning is not required and that it voids the warranty.The second is that it works at high temps , but then it limits the T/C to 480 degree f.Lastly it states that the ohms jump around between use and this is normal.I agree about it being normal but if it jumps much @ .500 I don’t know if the T/C will work very well.
I have no doubt that this is taking steps forward but I am going to have to wait for a few reviews before I buy this.


I seen this little vidio put up 3 days ago. And 2 of my friends that review is supposed to get them today. A waitting there reviews