Strawberry - Kiwi - Vanilla Ice Cream recipe help

I have Strawberry(TPA),KiwiDouble(TPA) and vanilla bean ice cream(CAP). Has anyone ever tried a similar recipe? Can you suggest me some good percentages i can try ? I want more strawberry and vanilla and less kiwi.

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Hmmmm. randomly and not doing any research on the recipie side looking at all that amazing information over there. Like how it gives your ideas about percents to mix at.

Strawberry tpa 4%
Kiwi double tpa 2.23%
Vb cap 4.5%

Steep 1 week


Strawberry Ripe (TPA) 5%
V.B.I.C. (CAP) 4.5%
KiwiDouble (TPA) .5%
*Off the top of my head