Sweet Vapes?

Has anyone used this company if so where are they located ??? thank you

I have used them and was satisfied.They are in WI, usa.


Very fine place!

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thank you guys , i havent heard of it and i wont buy from over seas companies ( china ) and couldnt find where sweet vapes was from , then after worm1 answered i type the company name into google and boom right on google is the address and everything smh they are the only ones who had what i needed


I have ordered from them a few times also no complaints at all


i only buy from us companies but after searching all us vendors and nudging from others, i took a fasttech route. I will never again wait a month for a product, id rather wait the month till a us vendor has it. I always check the vendor’s location, u can easily do it on their page under contact us or about us, etc, if there isn’t a loc or phone # listed, u better off not using w/o a way to get a person on the horn.


That is where I just purchased the 2 TFV8’s from I got in this last week… quick shipping and no issues to speak of.

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i ordered their because they have the baby beast rba with glass

Sweet-Vapes or Sweet Vapes there used to be both not sure any more but these guys are great and they are in the north east

http://sweet-vapes.com/ Located Sheboygan Wisconson. Might have spelled the city name wrong

These guys have always been great to work with. Only one error on an order in three years and they had the replacement in the mail same day telling to keep the error. Was coils wifey would use so worked out good for us.