Thank you

I recently ordered a few flavors from because of the ELR code and the free shipping. That’s the sh"t I tell myself, to justify the constant outflow of cash out of my bank account.:slight_smile: I ordered on the 17th at about 1 pm and they arrived today. I’m really really impressed with the fast shipping I also picked up some salts. Anybody else orders flavors from them? How long have they been affiliated with ELR?


Last time I purchased from them they only carried eliquid but not diy supplies. Great to see it and its the same as Nicotine River just with a code and better quicker shipping and price? I’ll keep that in mind lol. I normally get orders under $50 from bullcity or NR if I need nic/VG/pur flavorings.


No minimum order needed for free shipping. I love it.


@eStorm, i felt bad posting this in the ecigexpress thread so I’m putting it here instead…

…but sells Purilum flavors AND offers free shipping. @anon28032772, they ship internationally too, so it might be worth it to at least check them out and see if it would be a viable option for you. :slight_smile:


Yes its NRs drop ship and I tried ordering last night, prompted me to pay shipping. I opened a ticket and got an answer this morning, stating that diy supplies will not fall under free shipping anymore and charged a fee! Since its being shipped from a “other” facility, or in simple words NR.

So that’s out the window :smiley:


Oh man, that sucks! I was wondering if they were affiliated with nicotine river in some way seeing that all of their pictures are the same. Lol
Needless to say I haven’t tried ordering from them, and now I guess I won’t.


guess it doesn’t make much of a difference for us, we’re paying shipping anyway :frowning:


Yep were my thoughts too as I read that. Sucks so, because the shipping is horrible. Sure I could order $50 worth but sometimes I only need 1 flavor that were out of stock as usual, and would get a $8-12 shipping charge on a $3.50 item. Not worth it. Sucks so, now I have to redo my recipes that contain these flavors.


meh, first world problems :tongue:
people who always have to pay shipping learn how to plan their purchases :slight_smile:

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Nothing to do with it. I plan big orders, order and then get told they are out of stock and there’s no back order. So if I then have to get one or two flavors a week later, I’m planning another $50 order? No sorry I stick with other vendors I guess lol.

Funny on top is that’s the same state, I could literally drive 7 hrs down south and pick it up, probably cheaper and faster :rofl:

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Wow, that sucks. The only reason i ordered from them, was for the free shipping.


I get what you mean, really, it happens to all of us.
And not only that, a lot of times we have to shop at different suppliers to find all the necessary flavors, so for each shop we have to pay shipping.
And if you wait for all the flavors to be in stock, you run the chance of another flavor being out of stock. It sucks big balls, but I’ve never known it to be any different.


I ordered from them serendipitously through NicRiver. I placed an order for 2 flavors from NR and one of them was sent through I was thoroughly confused when I received a package from them. Several customer service emails later, NicRiver explained that they are affiliated and Ejuices sometimes handles their shipments. But hey, now I found a place that has tons of flavors I like and shipping to match :grinning:

Looks like they changed the site, dropping DIY section :cry:


Yes I know. Too bad.

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Why didnt u warn me? harsher blow coming from you :smile: I went to check em out after reading the list of flavors NR plans to drop, hoping they may be a source for the few id miss. I’ll still use NR for everything else, no hard feelings but will miss the one stop shop’n


NR used to do fulfillment for ejuices and they stopped doing business for some reason. Flavours are not the only thing NR is dropping.


Hey @woftam!! Just ran across this little nugget that @Ths1MxrChk shared awhile back, and given many folks situation with NR discontinuing a wide swath… Thought this might be of interest! :wink:

Well fuck.


Read above bud :smile:


What he said :grinning:
Ya it totally sucks.