Tobacco Recipes

Thx! Feel silly now! Never really thought about just putting the word “Inawera” or whatever flavor vendor into the search box to cull everything else. Somehow I must have missed that thread about doing this???

Good to know!


Lil ole me??? As Blanche DuBois said in “Streetcar Named Desire”… “I’ve always depended upon the kindness of strangers!”

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Yep, worked like a charm. I feel the people that don’t keep their stash tidy though.

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Hey @Jimk thx for the tips but i was wondering if inawera changed their aroma names im on their site an only see vanilla for pipe . Any clues?

Let me track down some good links for ya!

Some folks swear by it! Me, I’m just gonna stick with vendors outside of China. Call me cautious, and I am, but I get the willies thinking about any fluids from China coming anywhere near my body.

They list them all here!
If you are on a shopping spree, they have loads more nice tobacco flavours like; Am4ra, Gold ducat, Godfather, Nangka, I could go on a while but… just check em out, you won’t be sorry!


thx ill be looking into that for sure here in canada u either get overpriced samples or pay serious shipping!!

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Thanks for being “Johnny on the spot!”.

Yes, @Josephine_van_Rijn can attest to Inawera killing ass in the tobacco department!

that is a nice site right there wife is away cc in hand oh god of vape mail cure my temptation!!!

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Yes, I certainly can but I didn’t dare reply before, since you are the uncrowned king of tobacco vapes on ELR and I wouldn’t dare dethrone you so I waited for you to respond first.

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Oh, stop! ; )

I do think we’re heading into a “Game of Thrones” scenario though! I’m gonna have to keep a horde of extra watchful guards in the lookout tower with @Josephine_van_Rijn across the big moat! ; )

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Don’t forget to watch the sky!

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He’s doing overtime, you just have to join the cue and wait for your turn. When he finally gets to you, you’ll be broke, we all are!

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Bloody Hell!

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Damn, you have a spy camera in my house! How do you know what I look like? It’s why I don’t have a profile picture up, don’t want to scare the punters away.
Oh and btw @Ohm_IGod, don’t forget the French pipe, I’m just sucking on that and it is great!


Hey!!! I already tagged him as THE PROFESSOR…


You just might get in trouble for that with Professor Snapes :sweat_smile:


I forgot about him. :confused: