Uk embraces vaping

Hope its ok to post this here. Finally some good news for the war on vaping.


Thats funny, i just recieved this email! Now let’s get america on board


UK knows what’s up :+1:


The funny thing about this is that in 2010 they did not know whats up. There was a lot of uncertainty in the UK concerning vaping and ecig laws. We can all hope this will shed a light on the situation here the states and get things moving in a direction that is healthy for all smokers and citizens of the US, and stick it to the big bad tobacco man!


Laughed my ass off when I read this comment in the engadget article:

“How about we keep the bans, so I don’t come out of a pub smelling like an unholy mix of cherry, bubblegum, blueberry muffins and peppermint?”


Lol Avoid that comment section its trash.

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@AuraBorealis or anyone in the UK. I’ve read the article, but what is the feeling about it ?

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Sorry I live in the USA.

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"leading Public Health England to recommend we don’t create barriers that stop people making the switch."
Too late, maybe after Brexit laws might be changed.

There are some hospitals in the UK where you were not permitted to smoke or vape anywhere on their grounds, a lot of them are now allowing vaping (not inside the building)


There was an article in the Guardian last week about ministers backing vaping in the workplace and how it should not be included in smoking policies…also a little bit too late now :rage: Not that I trust anything that comes out of an MP’s mouth.


Sounds like it’s time to move to the U.K. lol with deeming regulation passed in the US… us Americans might be screwed!


depending on the restrictions , i dont agree with this at all , i dont think vapers should have to vape in a restricted area with smokers , but i also dont think vapers should be allowed to vape inside the work place


I vape inside the workplace, for no other reason than how safe I believe it is.
My directors let me because I sat them down and gave them the facts.
Ive stopped 6 people at work from dying early, they love that, good business sense :wink: theres more pollution coming in your car window on your way to work than anyrhin you breath comin from me, so yeah…I vape in the workplace :ok_hand:🖒 :wink:


Can’t do one size fits all. Vaping in a warehouse that is sparsely populated I could see. Vaping in a cubie farm would be absolutely obnoxious. Of course treating vapor like smoke is simply myopic.


and thats all good if the owners of your place of employment allow it , however i dont think its a problem to mandate a no smoking/vaping rule especially if that place is open to the public ( shopping center , marketplace ) i think its ridiculous that we as vapers believe its our right to vape wherever we want because we believe its better than smoking … so imo in public areas and the workplace i see no problem with not allowing vaping


and thats all im saying , i vape while driving with my kids in the car something i would never do as a smoker


Agreed. It’s better for us. I think that is an important postulate to keep in mind. Vapor annoys many folks. Vapor annoys me when it becomes thick in a room. There is no need for us as vapors to insist on our “right” when it annoys others. Far better to use common sense and gain popular support overall.