Vape NW operation burns to the ground!

I love them! Always fast shipping and great customer service. Hopefully they were at the other end of the building or at least this wasn’t their main warehouse. This is the latest news I could find.

I’m not completely sure if this is the same fire but it’s the same area as the twitter story.

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Hopefully it is not the same, but if it is, the following comment wouldn’t seem to bode well AFA insurance goes:


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the bellevue fire was tuesday , the vape nw fire was this morning in federal way



Thanks @fidalgo_vapes, I had a feeling something was off by the date but it was all I could find.

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VapeNW just made an announcement on /r/electronic_cigarette about the fire. Storefront and warehouse a total loss, unfortunately.

And their website has a notification that they’re closed due to an emergency.


Yes, Yes, I heard all about this. A vape exploded in the strip mall’s pocket…lol


This is sad. A business takes a lot of time to build clientele and any lengthy disruption of service will make the business technically start over from scratch as far as customers go. This is a definite ouch…


They’re a great company so this horrible! I was about to order stuff from them next month too. This is the announcement on their site right now. It’s just a little corner.

I’m sure with everything they must be going through right now, their online presence is way down their list of details to sort out but I hope who ever does their site for them can make this notice much bigger, like half page and post an assurance that they’ll be back to normal as soon as possible. I truly hope they can rebuild. Great companies with great folks like them don’t come along every day.


They made an announcement over on reddit that their storefront and warehouse was a total loss.

Hopefully they can get back up and running quickly. They were always really good to deal with when it came to returns or defects. Plus they had the best prices and shipping was always fast.

As soon as they come back I know i will be throwing a few bucks to them to show my support.


Crap, sorry guys, thought I searched for VapeNW before posting. Have more details, news story, and pics…


Very sad day fellow vapers, ordered 3 days ago from VapeNW one of my FAV online retailers, and they have treated me GREAT over the years. Logged in today to track the order, only to find that they suffered a total loss at their storefront /warehouse. Luckily for me, my order shipped, but I HOPE that this won’t be my LAST order from them. I’ve read a few posts wherein locals were volunteering to help them sort out the mess. I am going to save up a BAO (Big Ass Order) so I and others, can slam them with orders.

From reddit, and the website:

VapeNW Announcement self.electronic_cigarette

submitted 21 hours ago by VapeNWcom

So many of you know from other posts and News outlets, That this morning at 4 am PST There was a fire that started in our Complex. At this time We have no official cause of the fire.

This unfortunate event has destroyed our store front and warehouse. We are currently refunding and cancelling all open orders as nothing was salvageable from the fire.

Please bare with us as we work to resolve all issues. Thank you for all the support you have given us.

Hey brother…this thread is up already: :+1:


Apparently they have some very LOOSE fire regulations out there in WA state. No sprinklers, no fire alarms ??

How this won’t be my LAST order from them, and apparently I ordered JUST before the fire…

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Breaking news!

Nicotine self combusts! :laughing:


Hehe, I figured that was it…


This is what insurance is for. Terrible though, my God. Best vendor ever.


And they’re back up. Just got this email.

VapeNW Is Back!

VapeNW is back up and now open for business

  We at VapeNW would like to thank everyone for the warm wishes, kind words, and most of all the amazing support from everyone in the vaping community.

headed there now ( on the computer )