Very sad day fellow vapers, ordered 3 days ago from VapeNW one of my FAV online retailers, and they have treated me GREAT over the years. Logged in today to track the order, only to find that they suffered a total loss at their storefront /warehouse. Luckily for me, my order shipped, but I HOPE that this won’t be my LAST order from them. I’ve read a few posts wherein locals were volunteering to help them sort out the mess. I am going to save up a BAO (Big Ass Order) so I and others, can slam them with orders.
From reddit, and the website:
VapeNW Announcement self.electronic_cigarette
submitted 21 hours ago by VapeNWcom
So many of you know from other posts and News outlets, That this morning at 4 am PST There was a fire that started in our Complex. At this time We have no official cause of the fire.
This unfortunate event has destroyed our store front and warehouse. We are currently refunding and cancelling all open orders as nothing was salvageable from the fire.
Please bare with us as we work to resolve all issues. Thank you for all the support you have given us.