Vapeing, The Addiction

They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, so here goes. A few years back a friend of mine introduced me to tootling. At first I would tootle only on the weekends but it progressively
increased. Soon I was tootle puffing. Yes it’s true, all out tootle puffing. This went on for months. Tootling and puffing, puffing and tootling, it went on and on and on. One day my friends insisted I join them at a whomping party. I get to the party and there’s a few tootlers here and there but the main attraction was a big circle around the kitchen table. All my friends were in the circle. To my surprise, they were Whomping. C’mon they said, try it. They insisted I try it and it was obvious they were not gonna stop. I reluctantly tried it and now, I’m hooked. I stand before you now 2 years later. A Tootle Puffing Mod Whomper. It’s true, I can not stop. There is hope though. I have joined TPMW Anonymous and they have given me real hope again. If you are a Tootle Puffing Mod Whomper too then come join me at the meetings. See ya there…

Guys, Gals, I just could not resist. This is a post I did elsewhere. I just had to share…


F’ing hilarious ringling!! Thanks for this man, I really needed a good laugh today and you delivered!



Forgive me father for I have sinned…I have a confession… It has been 2 weeks since my last mix…


Hahaha at first I thought this would be a @DarthVapor spinoff . . but then reading happened.



Are you a Tootle Puffer?

Find out if you are a Tootle Puffer Here…CLICK

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As a sign of my assistance (to help you of course…), I’ll send you my address so you can rid yourself from the causes of your addiction… don’t hold back… use a big box and send it all…


Quote from ECF…

Do you think tootle puffing sounds like something that is illegal in 48 states? You might be a modwomper. Do you think cloud chasing is best left for sunny days in meadows? You might be a modwomper. Modwompers,are those of use who are middle of the road vapers. Or maybe someone that vapes in all ranges…



Clean Vapor - guy with the green shirt. Its a local shop near me. Their “house” liquid is re-purposed MBV juice with their own names and labels. Boycotted that chain once I found out. 12.99 for a 15ml. Bastards they are.

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OK, We won’t advertise for them, look again…


Awesome! lol

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A spin-off of my vaping clinic? I tried to get it off the ground but I can’t seem to get the founder and director away from his lab to turn the lights on for people…


I dont wanna even ask who those people are . . :wink:


That reminds me of the time I decided to join the Mod Whomper’s club. I hopped into the car and headed on over to where the place was supposed to be, turned onto the street, and was enveloped in a huge cloud !!! I tell ya, I couldn’t find the place. I drove, and I drove, and I drove. I thought the cloud would never end. I finally give up and decided to join the Tootle Puffers club. At least you could find their clubhouse…


Good! Because I wouldn’t be able to tell you who they are! No matter how hard I have tried, I could never seem to see the faces of this mysterious bunch… for there was always this fog around them nulling all visibility…very odd bunch of people they were…hearing whispers of “tootle puffer” and chanting "whomper!"
All things that were very foreign to me at the time…


Might I suggest a portable fan or vacuum the next time you venture out to seek this mystic place?


OMG…I am in shock right now…I thought this post was funny, but I didn’t know that tootle puffers was an actual thing…then I just looked up what it is by looking at the link on @ringling post and found out that I am indeed a tootle puffer…I have a 20W istick with a nautilus mini which has a 1.6 ohm coil…sniff, sniff…what do I do?


I guess I’m not a tootle puffer :cry:

I tried but this is what happened.

I just can’t help it lol.

Tootle puffer I had no idea.

My wife is a tootle puffer 1.8ohm EVOD with Matching EVOD stick battery.

But she won’t let me take a pic of her Tootling lol.



Ultra Whomper?

Smaug impression?