VapourDepot - Capella / Flavourwest - UPDATED 18/08

Hey ELR!

We are VapourDepot from the UK!
We stock plenty of liquids, hardware and most importantly DIY goodies!

We are currently stocking FlavourArt, Capella and TPA with plenty more on the way.
Feel free to drop us a PM if theres anything you’d like us to stock and dont forget to use ELRECIPES at basket for 10% off everything (except Sigelei and Cloudmaker brand items)

Happy Vaping!


Hey ELR!

We are finally ready to announce something we’ve been working on for a while.


ELRECIPES is still valid for 10% off too!

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That is awesome news! :smiley: First place I’ve seen Flavorah, other than from Flavorah themselves in the US!

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Hey ELR!

A couple of updates for you!

First of all, we’ve dropped the price of Flavorah, so most flavours are now £3.95

We’ve also dropped the price of Capella to £3.25

Finally, we’ve added a shipping offer. All orders over £50 now get free worldwide shipping!
Even if your cart doesn’t reach £50, worldwide shipping is only £4!

EDIT: Forgot to mention, anyone who purchased Flavorah at the higher price will be getting an email from us in the next day or so with store credit to make up the difference in the price.


That is awesome news! :smiley:

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Hey ELR!

A couple of nice little updates!

We’ve switched to re-bottled Capella to bring the price down for you lovely people. 10ml of Capella concentrate is now only £2.40! We’ve also extended the range we stock to give you even more choice.

FlavourWest concentrates are now in stock also!

Happy Vaping!