Why do USA vendors not carry some Chinese hardware?

Trying to expand my world, and the MTL tanks that seem to float to the top in reviews are all unavilable from USA distributors. Why is that? How come the top USA distributors don’t carry much of the top rated tank hardware? I find stuff readily available from several Chinese sources, and most seem to be available in the UK. But not the US.

The vaping market is flooded with hardware, so I can understand how difficult is may be for a distributor to decide what inventory to carry. But if Google and YouTube can tell me clearly what’s good, what’s not, and what’s hot, then why don’t USA vendors follow that lead?

The Chinese sources seem very good. Nice websites, full inventory, rarely see out-of-stock. They have their payment and shipping act together. So I wonder if they feel they don’t need USA middle men? But if that is the case, why is it not the same in the UK? I assume the UK serves all of Europe. I don’t see many Italian, French, German sites. Does UK customs make selling direct from China to the UK much more difficult than direct to the US?

I finally made my first China order from 3FVape. Been watching it crawl through the system for 2 weeks now. I’d gladly pay more for faster delivery.

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Retailers stock only what they think (and hope) will sell. The decision on what to carry is based on a variety of factors…one of which being demand. I promise you if enough customers ask for something it will become available for purchase.

However, there’s another thing to consider. Most vapestuff distributors in the US are fully aware that we, the avid vape enthusiast, are very privy to buying direct from China and saving BANK. So that too can be a strong point for dissuading them to carry a particular item.


Not really true. for example the Digiflavor Siren V2 and the Berserkers are available from myvaporstore, and mods like the Pico are available from elementvape but they are base priced up 30% higher and then add UPS shipping, 8% Sales Tax, so your total cost will be almost double from that at 3FVape.

Of course the excellent SXK and other clones are not, but that is understandable. You will be happy with your order from 3FVape. Many of their items are shipped with their “Available in 24hrs” system of inventory, and the delivery is 10-14 days to my location in California. I have placed many orders from them and find their customer service, package tracking and overall well organized and tight business as good, and in many cases, better than a lot of the US based vendors.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Joel’s Tip of the day

Joel, Sprksfly, Cutlass92, and SmilingOrge: Thanks for the great feedback. You comments help me better understand the dynamic markets of vaping hardware. Thanks to you, I will be a much better shopper.


Wow. Snark much?

Obviously missing a sense of humor. So you might start there.

Not sure what reviews you’re referring to, but I know that one of the most highly regarded reviewers on YouTube (Phil Busardo) regularly reviews MTL equipment (as does Matt Culley) and has links to the items reviewed in every video. Usually by provider, but frequently by “where currently available”. Often times, those are USA retail points.

They can’t though, at least not clearly (as you put it). Vaping is a very personal thing. And reviews are at best, only a single opinion. Even in the “more limited” set of expectations among MTL users, there’s still quite a variance when it comes to needs and hardware. Be it mod or atty.

They do. And for the last two to three years, vaping’s top sales have been generated and driven by those who vape in the Direct Lung (DL) style. The pendulum has begun to swing the other way again…

Regardless, if you aren’t finding what you want at a retailer, you should complain to them. Not us.

If you had simply come in and ask “Hey MTL folks, can you help me find a good source for <this, that, or the other>?” you would have likely had plenty of folks happily providing suggestions.

Instead you come in whining about ‘I can’t find what I think I should have, where I think I should have it’…basically asking for a lecture about the basics of supply and demand.

You obviously haven’t done much research because if you had, you’d know better than to make such an assertion.

There’s countless stories about payment fraud (including credit card compromises). Items marked as in stock -when they clearly were not. Items having no tracking information whatsoever. Folks being given someone else’s tracking information. Failure to notify about OOS items. Failure to notify about delays in shipping due to Chinese holidays. And on and on.

But I thought you said “The Chinese sources … have their payment and shipping act together.”??

I’m sure they had an option for faster delivery. But you probably didn’t research that either.


… as it turned out JoJo came in and deleted the posts in question, Well, this is a big problem site wide here at the -liquid forum. People come into a very highly topic specific thread and drag it off topic so they can post animated gifs of cats, dog, old Monty Python clips, etc. In this particular case a group came in with, what amounted to, racist bar room jokes., it was all so far over the line that JoJo came in and those posts were deleted so we can get back on topic here.

Vaping is a very personal thing. And reviews are at best, only a single opinion. Even in the “more limited” set of expectations among MTL users, there’s still quite a variance when it comes to needs and hardware. Be it mod or atty.

I would agree. In my case, one of the reasons I buy from 3F and put up with the shipping delays from China, and one of the reasons I buy clones like SXK, is that maybe the item will just not work for me, because, as you point out, the whole process so personal, therefore don’t want to invest the farm!

There’s countless stories about payment fraud (including credit card compromises). Items marked as in stock -when they clearly were not. Items having no tracking information whatsoever. Folks being given someone else’s tracking information. Failure to notify about OOS items. Failure to notify about delays in shipping due to Chinese holidays. And on and on.

Well it is like anything else when shopping. For example, although a lot of people have very good luck at Fasttech, I personally, never shop there. At Fastetch I have had exactly all the issues you just mentioned… In contrast I have had excellent luck at 3FVape. Many times when using their “ticket system” a very sharp CS rep emailed me back (with, I might add, perfect English !!! ) and bent over backward to fix the issue. I was more than satisfied and would reccomend 3FVape to anyone !

I’m sure they had an option for faster delivery.

:grinning: Haha, I look at my orders from China as a sort of a ‘surprise gift’, sometimes I even forgot that I ordered a few drip tips, or whatever, then when I find them in my mailbox, it’s a "that’s cool’ moment. I have used the ‘faster shipping options’ at 3F but can not really say that the results were spectacular. What is excellent tho is that they have great software integration on their site with the 17Track system, and it works flawlessly.

Anyway, I appreciate the original OP post, and think rather than tell him what a jerk he is, and how if he had researched a little more he wouldn’t be here bothering us all and taking up our valuable time, I will try to respond to him ‘on topic’, and help him out with my experiences about ordering product made in China.

After all, isn’t that the purpose of a fourm like this? We all ask questions, no question too dumb, the only dumb question is the one not asked, then folks chime in with on-topic replies, and it all works out for the better. Or is the purpose of this forum a platform for racist slurs and animated gifs that contribute nothing?


While I’m in complete agreement with part of your sentiment (in particular: that things are getting way too off topic more frequently lately), I do disagree with the idea that “every question deserves a ‘warm and fuzzy’ awwww, don’t worry little puppy, we’ll put up flyers and help you find your way home” feel.

I think that it’s normal that if someone comes in with a certain attitude, or even says point blank that they’re too lazy to look, or can’t be bothered (which we’ve also seen a lot of lately, and is contributing to the declining tolerance levels), then sometimes corks just pop. While it doesn’t make it any more right, there’s a reason for the growing backlash.

For me, I typically try not to engage in certain situations. And I usually hold it fairly well. But given the tone of the OP’s opening post (which instantly left a certain impression), and followed by Joel’s nonsense -which I shouldn’t have added to… It felt better to try and laugh at the moment, than the alternative. So I did.

A forum is simply a place for humans to interact. To exchange ideas, as well as general exchanges with like-minded people. So. Given we’re all here because we are interested in mixing eliquid. Mission of “being a forum” accomplished. Everything else is a subset of the reason for being here.

I appreciate and respect your approach, therefore, I try to reply in kind. But, I think that basic premise is what the majority try to go by (myself included). But it all comes down to basic human nature. If you come in with attitude, you have to expect it in return (most of us try to overlook it, but surely you can understand when someone’s restraint finally fails…).

As for my part I apologize (I clearly didn’t answer on topic). And by the way, said posts were not racist, or offensive enough to be deleted. They were simply relocated. In my outlook (like many Comedians), every race and every culture has aspects that are funny and should be laughed at. But that’s definitely for another thread, another time.

I appreciate your comments 50YearsOfCigars. Even though all of this is “off topic”, it’s still warranted, as this was the point of origin that initiated this exchange. POV is a funny thing, and relative. :wink:

Kudos to your bottom line goal though (caring enough to try and help get things back on track in a thoughtful manner). I think we all want that.


I see drifting off topics to be a natural progression many times, maybe not simply 180 degrees off-subject diving, but gentle nudges in other interesting directions. Some will say “Sure you feel that way, you take things off course”, and while that’s true, it’s often because threads stay fresher, more entertaining, and stimulate activity that eludes threads with two or three replies. Also, many off-topic drifts are somewhat rooted in the original topic, or at least general idea. Nothing wrong with that.

Take this one (that I did not veer, I believe the one complaining about veering off-topic actually veered it). This has gone from simply two or three opinions about the subject leading to a dead thread, to a fairly spirited exchange of ideas. Heck, it seems one veerer may even think he’s speaking under the guise of a moderator. To me it’s fun. Many agree, some don’t.

And let’s face it; forums are rife with keyboard jockeys, all smarter than the last guy, all eager to be heard, all certain their opinion carries more weight. I’d rather have 10 threads steered off course in interesting ways than a sterile, boring environment where any dissent is met with finger wagging and reminders of forum rules, with dissent quickly stifled. How quickly would this place fade into obscurity if there was no latitude for any horseplay?

Some vendors sell some things, and some vendors don’t. Mmkay?