Would It Be Possible To Search Through Recipes By Any Two Dates? Or Search By Month?

I search for popular recipes by clicking on the ratings, but at the moment it shows everything mainly with results from 2015/2016 understandably.on the initial pages

Would it be possible to add a search by dates facility. then click on ratings for that result, so I can search for more recent recipes that I may have missed and haven’t received many votes as they are new.

It is hard to get past the “old recipes” to see some recent ones that look interesting, without trawling through pages and pages to get to them.

If I could search say August 1st 2017 to August 31st 31st 2017 and then click on ratings, I can see new and upcoming recipes that others have spotted without having to trawl through at least 100+ odd pages otherwise.

Edit: Or even search via a drop down method for a month and year ie February 2017 or August 2017 and that would display all the recipes for that month and hopefully could still have the ability to click the ratings to sort them out in popularity