Wrong specific gravity

Flavor concentrate “Blue Raspberry Slush” by One Stop Do It Yourself Shop (OSDIY) has the wrong specific gravity listed in our database. It isn’t PG based. It’s 67% VG based. SG should be readjusted to 1.16 as per the MSDS on OSDIY’s website.

Slippery slope seeing how it will throw a wrench in all existing recipes.

While it was quite “on target” being in Flavors… I moved it because it deals more with “site operations” (because of the accuracy aspect as you mention, as potentially pertaining to recipes).

It’s also more apt to be noticed by @daath here (since you didn’t tag him). :wink:


It’s probably a tricky thing to adjust in the database after recipes have been published… you’ll change every existing recipe and probably set it off.

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There wasn’t a specific gravity for that flavor? I added it now - I will have to check out the MSDS-sheets on their site!

Preivously mixed recipes will just have been slightly off. This is only valid for people who have checked off “Use manufacturer specified gravities” in their preferences :slight_smile: