Facebook groups and the rating system

Can you pass the popcorn?

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Now discord i do, i like discord. We have one as well, i spend the majority of my time there so please shoot me the address when you create your server.


I’ll sure do. We aren’t ready yet though. It needs some preparation on our part to release a public invite to 9000+ people :slight_smile:


Best of luck to you all!


We are all good, bud.

It was just a metaphor, perhaps not the best, hehe. Im glad we all got a chance to meet and talk, hope we can continue to do so.

Happy mixing!


it was a long discussion but seems like it had to be done.the only reason i got involved is because i saw my nikname in a photo as if i was “wanted”.i am glad that explanations were given from all sides.anyway my best wishes to all of you


big lolz :rofl:

Posted on Sunday… top of ELR in 2 days.


Yeah… SURE… everybody who rated has tried it :wink:

Clear example of trying to artificial inflate ratings. It’s always the same people.

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The phrase “carpet bombing” comes to mind…

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You grab the chairs and I’ll make the popcorn.

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I guess

  1. You didn’t read anything in this thread but you just had the need to write something “clever”
  2. Our explanations had some “difficult” words that you couldn’t understand
  3. Something else?
  1. I read it…and most of it smells like bullshit excuses
  2. You can take that condescending attitude and…well…you can guess the rest…
  3. Definitely something else

If you think that someone who already owns an eliquid company has the need to sell his recipe somewhere else, I can not help you with it…
As for your difficulties on understanding, you can do whatever suits you well. I don’t have such practices


dont you belong to a FB book ??? VHM or something , are the practices the same ? not tge ratings thing , but everything else ? dont you guys share recipes well in advance before they are public ? im just wondering


No difficulties understanding.

Can’t hurt your business to have the top few rated recipes on ELR I guess?

Didn’t you already say the country had sold out of something because of one of the recipes?

I could be wrong…but I reckon it’s a simple thing to realise you only need about 100 lots of 5* ratings to get to the top of ELR…and they can’t be hard to come by in a group of 9000+ facebook members.

Doesn’t really matter if they’re genuine reviews or not. If you look above you can see the quality of some of the comments.

And yes… I do have a facebook group too. Has over 7000 members in it. But wouldn’t dream of abusing the ratings like this. We regularly refer people to the top rated recipes on ELR to see what they might like. If the top rated recipes are there because of manufactured ratings… doesn’t make them the valuable resource or tool they once were.


I sincearly dont know this guy fellas he might be one member of our grp or smth … really im taking into concidaration to erase all recipes … this is not what i wanted … my Queenside clone is a year up there and its 100% legit and what all this shit is doing is to ruin a great recipe like Lemon tart … the recipe is very good and doesnt deserve to be downrated because some people got over exited!


First try it out … then come and bash the hell out of me Kreed … by all means you are more than welcome

It could be a fantastic recipe.

That’s not the issue.

If it is, it will float to the top of ELR naturally.

It doesn’t need to be boosted there.

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We have recipies in our group that are not published in ELR and I don’t think that they will ever be.
They are there for a lot of people to be mixed and vaped.
If you check the top recipe, it’s Lemon Tart V4.
In ELR, from the same mixer, there is only V1.
If you have mixed V2 you would simply say that this is the best lemon tart you ever vaped.
I am working on a mille feuille recipe for about 2 months and it will be posted to the group.
I guess, IF I ever decide to post it here and it is good, I will also get a lot of good rankings.
Is there a contract or something saying that I have to post it in ELR before posting it somewhere else?
I may have it in the group for years before I post it here.
Is it clear enough now?

Not sure if you keep deliberately avoiding my point… or I’m just not making it clear enough?

You may well be the best mixer in the world…and everything you release is amazing.

Don’t care at this point.

It’s the ratings abuse by boosting I have issue with…nothing more.