Your favourite watermelon?

Hello Vapers,
Im not sure if I have a problem with watermelon.
I have tried FA, the best
TFA, second place
CAP, sweet and double, both kind of hard on my throat when exhaling.

Please let me know what your favourite Watermelon in and maybe if I can do something about the CAP. They taste great, just that throat thingy.

Best regards to all of you :sunny:


Purilum Watermelon from Nicotine River :bomb::fire::rescue_worker_helmet:
Best Watermelon I have used


+1 for Purilum Watermelon



Because of shipping costs i would like to be able to get it from Europe.
Is it Canada or USA?


The US of A, California to be more specific :+1:

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Damn, shipping is too costly on small orders and if I am correct, I am only allowed to import value at 10 usd

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For me when it isn’t Vape related stuff i can import lets say flavors for up to 180-200€ without having to pay any customs fees if i remember correct.
When it is Vape related items i think the limit is 20€ and everything above that i need to pay customs fees on.

Got no clue what the regulations are in your country but i’m sure it is higher than $10. Just go to the customs web page and look it up, can’t be to hard to find out.

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Its when we are importing form non EU countries. It really stinks…

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Probably flavour arts, it’s got the least off/negative tones to me. TPAs tastes a bit too much like rind and lacks sweetness, imo. The few mixes I’ve used it in always came out tasting a bit like cucumber lol.
Whereas FAs has minimal rind, and is almost a bit like watermelon candy.
It’s a more challenging flavour to find your preference in, as everyone seems to enjoy different aspects of the fruit.