12 years old

I think a moderator can move it once a new thread is made, @anon70102222? Maybe the pub or the saloon would be suitable?
As for a title, that’s a hard one, Catholic horrors and other stories?
It should be something that makes it clear it’s not about a picnic on a sunny Sunday afternoon :grin:


I love that title because it opens it up to other denominations. I hope this doesn’t invite lashback from “holy rollers” :astonished: :laughing:

I need some coffee. I’ll come back to finish this unless you want to get it started now yourself. Feel free. Great chatting with you, Josephine. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You do it, run with it girl and it was great chatting with you too.


I’ve never given them any shit for speaking out. It can be just as offensive to non holy rollers to have to listen to them, or to use someone else’s words



I totally forgot I had a virtual meeting to attend. Sorry for the wait. Okay, I’ll see if a mod will move the first few posts.


First of all, don’t you dare try and move those threads somewhere else. This is my kind of topic I will bash any Christian that gets in my way. Okay my Christian friends partly joking here. No one on here has ever tried to proselytise me. But the penis thing what’s the perfect it makes me laugh is it so perfect when I get home to my keyboard will talk some more peace


Oh yeah I forgot to tell you did you guys not know that we are rudderless? We have no leadership. @daath it appears has abandoned us. I’m not surprised it’s been coming. Phil and Rob and Silhouette they’re gone everybody’s gone. I do think Phil is sticking around reading threads but I don’t think he’s doing anything.


Well then, no need to follow protocol. If you like the Catholic Horrors then we’ll keep the Catholic Horrors…right here.


I was initially raised in a Anglican/Church of England household. Was made to go to church and Sunday School until I was kicked out of both at the age of 11.

Apparently religion does not like to be questioned by anyone with intelligence and a anti-creationist point of view.

I was a total disappointment to my parents, but even they could argue with my logic… LOL


Exactly, most religions we’ve been taught have no logic to them. And if they preached logic or compassion like the golden rule they never followed it themselves. I just found their teachings unworkable and not practical for the life of a human being. At an early age I started reading books on eastern philosophy because it made more sense and spoke to reality. My reality anyway.


Karen Armstrong wrote a book about her experiences as a Catholic nun. I believe it is called the Spiral Staircase.
It’s a horrifyingly good read.

I gotta go to school, I got tables to disinfect, the mediavirus has started up again, spreading fear and mass hysteria, it could be a new religion :grin:


Interesting… Very interesting. I hope you stick around and tell some stories.

I wasn’t raised in the church. I was “born again” at 18 years old and was practically thrust into “the ministry”. Apparently, I was “called” to be a Youth Pastor.

Ok. This just might blow your mind and then again it makes perfect sense. As a “born again” Christian I was very self-righteous but didn’t realize it until years later. Anywho, while I was in Seminary I met a guy that was training to be a Catholic Priest, which BTW not only has to do Seminary but they also have to have a degree in the Secular world. Anyway, we became friends and in one of our “arguments” (I was always trying to convert him), he told me that 80 percent or in his words damn near every priest is homosexual. I didn’t and couldn’t believe him. If it’s true then it makes perfect sense.


I don’t know if they’re all homosexual. What I do know is that you cannot expect people to have no sex at all and expect them to grow into balanced human beings.
It’s a part of life, they end up warped because of it.

They also have an almost psychotic fear and loathing of women. The OT is full of it.
We are all Eve, and since Adam was too stupid to think for himself… :woman_shrugging:


I think it would be more accurate to say that a good number of Catholic priests are child molesters. Do you remember the scandal several years ago? It’s out of the headlines now but the pope is still dealing with it. The survivors were a mix of boys and girls. However, I also find it credible that young men who can not come to grips with their homosexuality seek refuge in the seminary so as not to have to deal with the pressures of being hetero. There they can find like minded peers and is the perfect out as to why they are not dating females. This group isn’t necessarily child molesters just escapees. I use to live next to a seminary and also knew some gay men who I talked to about this. They were out and established in society and thought it sad that a man had to escape into a seminary to avoid his “gayness”. They were also concerned about the stigma of all gay men being perverts and child molesters.


What’s OT?


Idk, I haven’t had some in a long time and I’m not warped yet…or am I? :crazy_face:


I haven’t either. 5 years I think but I’m a grown man and had plenty of sex when I was younger. I think what she is saying is; They go into the Seminary as Young men that have not dealt with their sexuality and are “hiding” which warps there perspective and I think I’ll have to agree with that statement.


The Old Testament my dear, you must’ve been asleep in Church, shame on you! :rofl:

Same here, but I didn’t grow up abstaining myself and whipping my back bloody every time I had an indecent thought.
And don’t forget the thundering speeches about hellfire and brimstone if you even acknowledge that you have a body part that can give you pleasure.

I found out a quite amusing, if it wasn’t so sad, fact about the time of the witch trials.
Women who were accused of witchcraft were undressed and carefully inspected to see if they had any marks of the devil.
One of those marks was the third nipple, the one they used to feed their familiar.
No woman got through that search without being condemned, because what those morons considered to be the third nipple was… :drum: the clitoris.


She is me…that’s what I said. Doesn’t matter, I think we all agree that there’s something not right there.


Yeah, the whole thing was a set up to get rid of those pesky independent women who somehow managed to live on their own…or with each other…wink wink. Is it any surprise that Salem, MA has a booming gay population? I live about 40 minutes away and celebrated many a Halloween Parties there.
It’s a trip. Halloween is celebrated for a week with people coming in from all over the country.

Salem Police Cruiser | Police, Police cars, Salem

They finally built a memorial for the women (and men) who were innocently burned at the stake/hanged.

This is only a part of it but it’s built on the location where it actually happened.