20-22 people linked to health related vaping problems:

My understanding was that less than scrupulous street sellers were using the Vit E to dilute their product because it looked the most like the real thing and was tasteless, odorless, and vapable.

(And on a separate note, my editor dictionary now knows that “vapable” is a real word. I had to teach it. See how language changes before our very eyes?)


@lindsywes, glad to hear your father hasn’t suffered any ill effects yet, but I would hazard to guess he may be the exception, not the rule. I don’t think framing the question “Is vaping able to kill a person…” is probably the best, hehe. Despite the retarded US Government (and FDA)'s stance, I think probably the BEST frame of reference would be from the UK, where they at least seem to be following the science, NOT the money.

Is vaping completely safe ?? Probably not. Is it FAR safer than smoking ?? Sure seems like it is.


I came in here to say this. I was following it pretty close because I live in Colorado so weed is legal and I wanted to know if weed and nic were a risk.It did end up that they were street THC carts with vitamin E in them and the media pressed and edited to not include THC in the reports so it looked like it was nic vaping. It all started right when there was the flavor ban push, in what later 2019.


The simplicity, and power of editing @VapeGnarly333.


Right! And really it goes against their cause either way. The BALCK MARKET carts fucked people up. So making it illegal so we can only get black market carts helps how?


The news could be fake or the people admitted to ER could be in trouble because of a different problem. But the government wants to blame the vape community and is bend on halting these. It has to stop. I mean where are the proofs? Has vaping caused us any such trouble so far? Those people might have taken wrong doses or excess so that caused health issues. There has to be a good report on the case.


It is a sham. The government completely lying about vaping is going to turn their people against them. It’s a big conspiracy to raise the tobacco companies which are already falling off the ridge. No evidence has been found that these 22 people have health problems due to vaping. This misleading information is creating chaos among people rather than doing any good. Does the government want some good? Doubtful!


Thanks to Yorkshire Cancer Research for shining a light on the truth. Hopefully, anyone who takes the time to watch this in it’s entirety and educate themselves on harm reduction will realize the misinformation we are being bombarded with on a daily basis with anti vaping propaganda. If this helps even one smoker to make the switch, it was worth posting here.


Thanks for posting this. I wish every politician in the USA would watch this. I did get a reply from our Colorado Senator Hickenlooper that was reasonable. It wasn’t just the “for the children” form response, but acknowledged that vaping has helped many ADULTS to quit smoking.


So do I!! We live in a world of misinformation and hope it’s not too late to turn things around. At least for the ones who are destined to die from cigarette use.


Well don’t know what team you guys cheer for, but Rand Paul has proven himself time and time again to be for the people, during the congress meetings on Vaping, he went against the narrative and I believe 2 others of however many did the same… Now if you look at the covid thing, he personally Drilled Fauci about his involvement in Wuhan… This guy goes after the real issues and if anyone is to have any hand helping the vape industry, that’s one politician you want on your side.


Yes and the fact that he actually is/ was a MD should give him even more credibility with issues like Vaping and Covid etc


You realize he’s an ophthalmologist.

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Right and because he is an MD he has taken the exact same education path that any other doctor takes, his specialization was of the eyes after 8 years of schooling and residency would be another few years. What’s your point? The tone of your message is saying he’s some how unequipped being an eye specialist? What’s your training in for curiosities sake?


It means he graduated from a 4 year medical school and then went on to another 5 years to specialize. Which means he was at one time book learned in diagnosis. He is no where close to a specialist in virology.


Yes …I would imagine though someone
Who went to school to do this * see below

Ophthalmologists diagnose and treat injuries, infections, diseases, and disorders of the eye . Treatments can include medication taken orally (by mouth) or topically (in the eye), surgery, cryotherapy (freeze treatment), and chemotherapy (chemical treatment).

Would have learned more about the human body than say a stock broker or lawyer , so it would seem that he would have a bit more credibility than the other politicians who were prosecuters or who weren’t in the medical field


fentanyl was added to the liquid!!

That’s just so dangerous wow! She was playing with fire doing that. I used to have a problem with that especially I’m sure glad I got sober before it killed me. Stuff is so deadly now. It’s gotten worse over the past year forsure.


I personally wouldn’t want lawyers, stock brokers or ophthalmologists treating me for a lung related issue, or expect them to speak with anything more than limited knowledge.