2025 Bill (UK) Commentary by Darkstar


“But the fruity flavors attract CHILDREN!”

I’m getting real tired of that bs argument. They go after vapes, but not all the fruity, sweet, bright, rainbow colored alcohol.


A small online dive into info, with regard to the lobbying industry, tells the whole story. Follow the money.

The alcohol and tobacco lobbying folks pass out cash, in many forms, like there’s no tomorrow. Then, when legal action against tobacco and alcoholic occurs, they scream, “JOBS!!! You can’t take away the jobs!”.

The Vaping lobby folks out there, just don’t have that kinda cash or influence like alcohol and tobacco.

It’s all about how much money, or other things, goes into the pockets of those that make the rules. Sad fact.


Get a load of that Sunny D vodka drink. Every ghetto/poor kid was raised on Sunny D orange drink. Not much of a hop, skip, jump away from target marketing. I can hear the voices in the marketing room now. “We can surmise that most of these young adults are depressed so let’s cheer them up with something that feels like home.” :angry:


its even worse than that ever since the fed won the TMSA
the tobacco companies were ordered to pay based on projected sales for medical expenses to individual states

Then many of the states used the money in advance and sold tobacco bonds they owe big tobacco many billions because of the decline in tobacco users

thank you for smoking!


Yea, they don’t want to give that up so they keep the vicious cycle rolling.

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