The subtank has a single coil RBA…
I find even after a dry fire on a kanthal coil spaced or not there’s a ceritan “break in” period. And with kanthal you ,or i anyway, always found it slightly metallic.
Thats why I switched to stainless steel and titanium. Far superior taste and none of that metallic taste.
Where are you based brother? I could send you some stainless and some titanium if it would help.
Free of charge of course.
[quote=“Adam157, post:1, topic:40336”]
so I typed it in on google and took me to an other forum and someone asked my question and the reply was that he was using the same wire with 6 wraps but on a 2mm bit and he got 0.18 ohm
[/quote]Yes, but if the person in the google search was using something that would handle a dual coil he might not be comparing apples to apples.
I bought that exact set from the Dollar Store for like $2
Walleworld or Wal-Mart has them for $2. That set works better for me than the more expensive Stanley set. It’s better for installing a coil in rda.
Thanks for all your replies helped a lot making my own liquid has worked out well with trial and error so will be the same with this @Pattie I’m in Wales UK thank you for the offer people are so nice on here I had a look on Amazon and the wire is only cheap so I have ordered some ss I can’t use titanium at the moment as not got a tc mod but got the ipv 4s coming to me at Christmas and going out to buy the crown on Boxing Day so I will experiment with titanium then again thanks so kind
Try a kuro coil jig, eBay 8$. My coils weren’t too pretty or consistant ohms and wow this thing is amazing for learning! Super easy! Well worth it.
@Adam157 i normaly get my wire in the uk from they have all the wire you need from ss to claptons. Just thought I’d mention that you dont need tc for stainless, it does work in wattage mode and is far cleaner than kanthal. Offers still there brother if you need, just let me know
Ps as @Drinkmilk has said a coiler will do wonders for your coils. Cheap and easy to use. Win win.
Pps the wire you’ve shown there from amazon, for that price you could have 6 x10m rolls from Have a look brother.
Been on the website wow feel ripped off now haha I’m going to start going there for my wire even ti is cheap and the coil jig I will be buying one of these just after xmas using a 3mm precision screwdriver when my wire comes tomorrow quite confident I will be able to wrap now after hours and hours of YouTube videos😳 Has anyone from the uk used vapours-r-us for there concentrates really cheap 100 ml for £7.99 extra strength just found them wondering if anyone else has used them and if there good here’s the link
That’s the same company as the Crazy Wire Company AKA;
Maybe ordering from them through Amazon is more expensive?
Seems to be the same place👍
£19.99 for 250ml any better for you?
Great quality NIC too. Crystal clear!
Where abouts in Wales you from Adam? Up north here Wrexham.
Yes it is a little more expensive on larger orders.
Kind of similar prices for single spools once shipping is added.
But something I’ve found with Amazon Vs Wireandstuff.
Amazon order gets delivered faster.
Just an update guys my 24 g kanthal that arrived today just made my 1st coil and so proud it’s perfect lol @Jondamon I live in Wrexham aswell
And thanks for the link are they uk based that is really cheap
It is 5 wraps 3mm came out at a perfect 0.5 ohms
Yeah they are UK based.
Order before 12pm and I had mine next day.
Cool. We’re from the same town.
You may want to stop in on the Coil Building Show offs thread.
Check out some of my work and some of the others here on ELR.
Good price on the nic mate.