A little while ago we were going to release a tobacco called ‘Southern Leaf’ its a sweetish cigar tobacco with some tasty cherry notes. We never released it, it is sat here in the lab and it’s free to a vaper that wants it. Pickup only so if your near and fancy some just let me know on here
Are you by any chance near tangerang Indonesia?
Sadly not, down in dorset UK
@Digbys I’m in Devon i fancy some it will be a bit of a road trip could i have your postcode so i can see how far and long it would take me to get to you think it about 93miles
What is the pg and vg % many thanks
I would absolutely love some as i’m known to love cigar vapes.
142 miles away though
60vg - the flav is a little overtuned, that’s the reason we never released. It was a long week and I had been making 85 lts of all the recipes, come 11pm I made the entire batch and nearly cried. (it was never meant to be done in the run)
flav % is slightly high
this is why it never got released
Have you tried it digbys
erm, ofc. I made it
I will let people know when and if its all gone - to save trips and time
I am in Devon too, Perhaps Englishguy and I could team up!
Hi, I’d be interested to have a taste of this (I’m staggered, this is the second time in a week something has popped up on ELR that’s on my doorstep).
I’ll message you about collection, and thanks for the generous offer
Hi EnglishGuy I’ve sent you a message
Still a couple left
Thought it all would of been whipped up did matey from plymouth come get some