A quick confirmation please

Hey all. The postal strike here is now over…so I now have my bottles to make up juice.

The calculator always confuses me when it comes to adding nic, seeing as how all I have is a 20mg bottle and the calculator seems to not like that.

So…could someone look at what I have and verify that it is correct for the mix. Thanks.

EDIT…I know I goofed on the calculator. I did % of nicotine at 30/70 pg/vg, when it should be 100% pg.

So…in reality how do I actually make the right amounts using 20mg???


Where it says Nicotine Strength put 20

Then put PG 100 and VG 0

This will change your limitations right now you have you desired ratio at 70/30 and yiu matched that with your PG/VG nocotine content a bit sloppy sorry


Yeah I realized what I’d done after I posted. Changed that but the calculator doesn’t like it. It would be so much easier when I get 100mg nic.

Really throws off the calculator, and won’t let you save.


the reason the calc dosen’t like that is because making 6mg with 20 mg nicotine will make it 70/30

then your adding flavors which also has PG. you can’t make 70/30 at 6mg if your adding flavors it will be less

click the checkbox “max VG”


Would i still click max vg if trying to get 70/30 vg/pg?


if your adding ANY flavors you won’t be able to make 70/30 at 6 mg using 20mg PG nicotine.

you will need stronger nic or VG based nicotine

clicking max vg just does the math for you you may end up with 66/34 or 84/16 etc… results will be at the bottom

60/40 isn’t THAT much different IMO anyways you may even prefer it


Thanks for that. Ill definitely try it. Have 100mg coming, just not here yet.